Cornerstone Episode 01 – Pandemic Response: Panic or Praise?
Has the pandemic caused you to panic or praise God? Are you focusing on Christ or the coronavirus? Pastor Rob (of Calvary Chapel Hawkesbury) and I share our thoughts.
Has the pandemic caused you to panic or praise God? Are you focusing on Christ or the coronavirus? Pastor Rob (of Calvary Chapel Hawkesbury) and I share our thoughts.
Introduction My marriage is far from perfect and if you were to ask my wife, she’d tell you that I am anything but the model Christian husband. No, this isn’t me trying to be humble, nor is it any sort of a tactic, it’s just the honest to God truth. …
Do you delight in the LORD? In John 15:5, Jesus said: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” It is impossible to be a real Christian unless you’re truly dependent …