Christ’s first words on that awful scene where man enthroned Him on a borrowed cross were the expression of His lifelong genuine character: “FATHER FORGIVE THEM THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!” That was the intercessory prayer of our Great High Priest.
All mankind – including us – will never know the profundity of those words. Then, mustering whatever little physical strength remained He cried: “IT IS FINISHED” (John 19: 30).
What do you think Jesus meant by these words of sovereign finality?
- He was fully conscious of the mission the Father had committed to His charge.
- He was fully conscious that, as “the Lamb of God” He was dying for the sins of the world just as John the Prophet had initially announced (John 1: 29, 36). He knew of the certainty of His resurrection.
- He was fully conscious that the holy Law of God as given to that great servant of the most High, was not completely fulfilled in this one perfect Sacrifice. Recall what Jesus said to His eleven fearful dejected disciples in the upper room on the night of His betrayal. “This is the blood of the New Covenant…(1 Cor. 11: 25) for Jesus Himself is the Mediator of this New Covenant (Hebrews 12: 14). Truly the old was finished (taken away), (Hebrews 10: 9). It had achieved its own purpose. All the work undertaken by Jesus was a new work completed. With it God was well pleased.
- His scattered followers heard the words, “It is finished” but failed to understand the significance of Him not saying, “I am finished”! “On the third day I will rise again…” was stated several times by Jesus. However, none believed Him, not even His mother!
- From the Day of His Ascension until our day He ever liveth to make intercession for us for He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 7: 25 and 13: 8). “Therefore, men ought always to pray and not to faint” (don’t give in or give up). are the words of Jesus Himself (Luke 18:1).
What perfection is stamped on every aspect of His priesthood! He offered Himself without spot to God – all for our sake.