Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it;
Ephesians 5:25
The last time I posted anything on this site was April 4, 2023, so it’s not a stretch to say that it’s been a while since I’ve written anything on here, and what better way to get back into it than with a bang!
As a husband, I struggle to love my wife at all times. I find it easier to find fault with my wife and then give her the silent treatment than to lay down my life for her, like Jesus did.
Are there things my wife needs to hand over to the Holy Spirit so Jesus can handle them? Yes. But what the LORD does with my wife is between Him and my wife; it’s none of my business. All I can do is pray for my wife and be Christ-like to her.
Jesus calls me to love my wife like He loves His church. Jesus wants me to sacrifice myself for my wife like Jesus sacrificed Himself for His church.
Easier said than done, but it is not impossible to do IF I truly surrender to Christ daily and submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
By spending time daily with Jesus through Bible study and prayer, the Holy Spirit can use the “sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17) to eliminate anything in me that is not of God. This helps me stop finding fault with my wife and allows me to love her as Jesus does.
I study God’s Word and spend time with Him in prayer because the LORD, through His Spirit, gives me the desire to do so. It’s not because I am anything special; it’s God’s grace that daily answers my desperate plea to Jesus, my soul crying out that, without Him, I can do nothing.
My wife and I recently started a podcast, Christian Marriage Chat, where we openly talk about our marriage relationship in the hopes of improving our own marriage and being a blessing to other Christian couples, so I invite you to check it out.
Husbands, please spend time in the Bible and make time to pray daily. If you are too busy to do either, what in the world are you spending your time on? Also, I have to wonder: Are you really saved, and do you truly love Jesus?