In John 15:5, Jesus declares this:
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (NASB)
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (KJV)
We have almost spent our first full day here in Haripad. It was a hot and humid day, Judah was keeping us on our toes and by the time we were getting him ready for bed, our patience was wearing thin.
The power went out, so we couldn’t get water out of the taps. We got water out of the well and as I was bringing an extra bucket up to the bathroom, Amanda alerted that we had a “code brown” on our hands.
What’s a code brown? That’s when Judah decides to go number two, AFTER we have taken his diaper off.
So, we had to wipe the poo off the bathroom floor and Juju’s feet. Poor little guy knew that what had happened wasn’t good and was crying. This on top of the fact that he was really tired and wanting to call it a night!
We cleaned Judah up, managed to give him a bath and was really struggling to get him dried up. He was extremely wriggly and crying, trying to get off the bed. I took over and managed to dry his hair and then let him slide off the bed. I regretted the decision because no sooner had Judah taken a few steps, he slipped and fell. By God’s grace, he didn’t hurt himself, but got scared and began to cry more. I placed him back on the bed and I was not happy. Amanda gave him some Nurofen but didn’t get to close the bottle in time, and as you would expect, there was a spill.
By this stage, I’d lost it. I yanked the Nurofen soaked bed sheet and wanted to just leave the room and let Amanda take over as I was upset at Judah.
I stepped out of the room in anger and frustration.
Then I remembered who Jesus was, who Jesus is.
I remembered His peace.
I remembered His grace.
I remembered His forgiveness.
I remembered His love.
I remembered what He did for me.
I remembered that Judah is His gift to us, to me.
I got over myself, my selfishness, ignorance, impatience, lack of forgiveness and lack of love, thanks to the Holy Spirit reminding me of Jesus and who I am in Him and how terrible and lost I am without Him.
I said a prayer and went back in to take over the evening routine.
I fed Judah his bottle. He could barely keep his eyes open. He was almost asleep when I put him in his sleep suit and placed him in the cot.
Without Jesus, the evening was heading for a disaster. Thanks to Him, through the intervention of the Holy Spirit, it didn’t.
Judah is still sleeping peacefully, even as I finish this post.
Thank you Jesus, for all the lessons you’re teaching me, even unpleasant ones like this.
Thank you Jesus, for reminding me that apart from You, I can do nothing.
God bless you.