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Initially published: February 20, 2012.
Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam is a Sanskrit phrase. The Hindus believe that this is the order in which reverence should be offered.
Before I continue, I want you to know that I am not an overzealous/arrogant Christian taking a shot at Hindus/Hinduism. I was born a Hindu, into a devout Hindu family. I came to know about Jesus, late in the year 2000 and have been a follower of Jesus Christ for about a decade now. So, please understand that what I share here is based on my own experience growing up as a Hindu. My prayer is that other Hindus will be challenged by what I share and take a closer look at who they are, what they believe, why they believe it and in the process, seek out God and find salvation in Jesus.
Since the mother gives birth, she comes first. The father comes second because the mother knows him best and can point the child to the father. The teacher comes next as the parents bring the child to the teacher and finally, the teacher points the child to God.
This is clearly visible in the Indian culture where one can observe that the parents are held in the highest regard, almost worshipped as gods.
The reality is that this cannot be right and I will try to explain why.
Hindus in general believe that all religions are the same and that they can worship all the gods from every religion because it’s all the same God at the end of the day. This belief in itself is incorrect.
For example:
In the Hindu faith, when people die, they keep getting reincarnated, until they achieve moksha (liberation). I have stated this in its simplest form, you can read more about it on Wikipedia!
However, in the Christian faith, the Bible states:
Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment
Hebrews 9:27
Where as in the Hindu faith, people keep coming back, in the Christian faith, we believe that each person has one life and when that life is over, what awaits us is God’s judgement.
Death is a major event and one can see a major disparity between the Hindu faith and the Christian faith in how death is viewed.
Clearly, the Hindu faith and the Christian faith are poles apart! Just because there are vaguely similar ideas and concepts in both, it does not mean that the gods worshipped in the Hindu faith and the God of the Christian faith are one and the same. They are not!
So, what’s wrong with the order of reverence in Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam (Mother, Father, Teacher, God)?
Who created the heavens and the Earth, the Universe?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
Who created all the plants on land?
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:11-12
Who created all sea creatures and the birds?
And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:20-21
Who created all the animals on land?
And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:24-25
Who created man?
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-27
The point I am trying to make here is that God created everything! He is above all because He created all! No one created God! God exists eternally! God has no beginning or end!
This God, the Creator of all things, made Himself known to mankind through the nation of Israel.
In Exodus 20, God gives the Ten Commandments.
The first commandment:
You shall have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:3
The second commandment:
You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Exodus 20:4
From the first two commandments, it is very clear that God is not pleased when we create our own gods or worships something that He has created! We can admire God’s creation and praise Him for what He has created, but to worship, to bow down before, to give reverence to ANYTHING that He has created as gods, is a sin!
Now, look at the fifth commandment:
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12
God has called us to honor our father and mother! Now, a person can only honor their father and mother to the point where honoring them will not dishonor God!
Are you beginning to see what is wrong with Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam?
If God created everything and only God ALONE is to be worshipped and revered above all else, how can people position their mother, father and teacher (who are all created by God Himself!) and give these God created human beings, more reverence and honor than God?
It is true that my mother gave birth to me, but God created my mother and God created me! God brought me into this world through my mother! God created my father. God brought me into this world using my father as well!
Look at what the Bible says about how God created us and why we are so special!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16
God knitted us together, with great care and love! Each one of us, is His handiwork!
It is good to love and respect and honor our parents and teachers and elders and so on, but not more than God!
Look at what Jesus says in the following Scripture verses:
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;
Matthew 10:37If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:26
Jesus is not calling us to blindly hate our parents or siblings or family or anyone else, but what He is calling us to do is to love Him far more than we love anyone else!
Jesus is God and as the God who created everything, He alone deserves our praise and worship and honor more than anyone or anything else and He should be first in all our lists!
Are you saying that it doesn’t matter if we don’t love our parents and honor them or how we treat others, as long we treat God right?
Not at all! Look at what the Bible says concerning love:
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:8
If you truly want to love others, you must first love God! Without love for God, you cannot have love for others because God Himself IS love and our capacity and capability to love, comes from God, not from within ourselves!
If you claim to love, but you don’t know God or love Him, then sadly, your love is not real. What you believe is the love that you have and express towards others, is merely your own idea/opinion of what love should be and how you would want others to love you. This love is not from God or of God because you don’t know God!
This kind of worldly love is relative to situations and circumstances you are involved in and the expression of this love is selective depending on the people involved. Those whom you don’t like or those who have offended you, you don’t love and don’t find the need to love. Those who are nice to you and treat you like you want to be treated, you love and get along with just fine.
Look at what Jesus says in the Bible:
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:43-48
Jesus challenges us to not only love those who love us, but to also love those who hate us and do us wrong in the same way because this is the love He has for us! If we only love those who love us, God says it’s nothing because even the ungodly people in the world do that!
Jesus is the greatest example of love! The Bible says:
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Though we were God’s enemies and did not believe in Him or have faith in Him, because Jesus loves us so much, He died for our sins, thus paying the punishment for all the wrongs we would ever commit against God!
God not only tells us to love like He does, He also shares with us the characteristics of His love! Again, let’s look at what the Bible says about love:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
God wants us to love others, including our parents, siblings, family, friends and everyone else – just like He loves us!
If you truly want to live the life God intended for you, you need to know who God really is!
Thankfully, God has revealed Himself to us in the Bible! Through His Word, through His Holy Spirit, through His Son Jesus Christ, we can truly know who God is!
Rather than following Eastern philosophies and mystical religions and the millions of so-called gurus and experts around the world, why don’t you place your trust and faith in the One and Only God who created you and follow Him?
All these false religions and philosophies instruct you to look within yourself, that the answer lies within yourself and that if you meditate and do all kinds of rituals and whatever else they prescribe, you will be fulfilled! Not only are these false religions and philosophies leading you in the wrong path in this life, they are also leading you to an eternity AWAY from God! I understand many of you have grown up in these religions/faith systems and me labelling them false may offend you but unless you realise that truth isn’t relative but absolute (that is, all religions/faith systems cannot be right and there cannot be many gods), you will remain trapped in religious systems and traditions.
In the Bible, Jesus says:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
Are you longing for peace? Are you longing for purpose in your life? Are you wanting to live a meaningful life here on Earth? Are you seeking salvation? Do you want to spend eternity with God in Heaven?
If you have answered yes to all these questions, then, there is ONLY ONE WAY for all this to happen. His Name is Jesus! He is God!
The most wonderful thing about Jesus is that you don’t need to do anything to earn His love! You don’t have to work hard to earn your salvation!
This does not mean that you can worship other gods as well as Jesus! As we have already seen from the Ten Commandments, Jesus (who is God) alone must be worshipped!
Jesus is God’s free gift to us! All you need to do is to place your faith in Jesus alone and to trust Him as your Lord and Savior!
This promise is clearly stated in the Bible.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
All you need to do is believe and receive Jesus into your life!
I pray that you too will place your trust and faith in Jesus!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch with me.
God bless you all.
thanks for your comments. I would like to add the following for your enlightenment. first read ‘An autobiography of a Yogi’. by Paramhans Yogananda and then ‘Viveka Choodamani’ by Adi Shankaracharya, as explained by Swami Chinmayananda.
Hi Sanal, thanks for the comment. Not sure if I would get a chance or time (unfortunately) to read the books you suggested. Do you mind sharing what points are being made in these books? Thanks.
Ha ha ha christianity is a false religion. Jesus Christ is just an imaginary model created by the romans or else wouldn’t the bible would have been written during or just after jesus christ . The romans just created a false religion maybe because they didn’t had any religion or maybe some people wanted a higher post in the society. It was predicted in the bhagavat gita 5000 years ago that during the kali Yuga i.e. in the present era false religion and preachings would start. People who knows nothing about religion would attain a high post and start talking about religion. It already said in the hindu texts. And christianity is just one of the false religions in the world like satan , or Lucifer are all imaginary model and false stories. And you didn’t join christianity during to love of God you just want to earn your ticket to heaven and you think following christianity would help you attain that ticket. You had had interactions with Christians preist or Christian people who constantly keep on using fear to convert people to their religion . You watch too much western movies. Your family members are maybe full of atheists or who don’t take religious tradition s too seriously that’s why you don’t know anything about hinduism. Your knowledge about Hinduism too little to understand it’s broad concepts . As you Christians only read in the bible “how the universe works”( which is 100% wrong). In the Hindu texts it is described “why the universe works as it does” So you read only the rules of what should we do for a good love in the Hindu texts rather then the point of why should we . You ignore that part and start commenting about Hinduism. If Christianity is a true religion and all people following it are pure. Then I should maybe also think that during the British rules in India the christian preist that came to India and killed hundreds of thousands of people in trying to convert them to christianity were all following the orders of God” kill all people that does not believe and worship me the jesus christ” , no? And stop using the line ” the bible is true because it says it’s true ” that’s a really lame excuse.
So goodbye and hope every Christians burn to death.
Thank you.
I won’t bother replying to your comment because it’s a waste of my time but I want to show everyone your true nature in what you said and I quote – “hope every Christians burn to death”.
Firstly, I’m not someone who loves commenting on these ‘sort’ of blog post, and by this ‘sort’ I mean ‘senseless ramblings’ and by ‘senseless rambling’ I mean rubbish. Hindusim is a beautiful religion and so is Christianity. True believers of both faith will agree that there is no point in arguing whose religion is better and whose religion is not. Critics will happily point out that there are just as many faults with Christianity and it’s believes and customs compared to Hinduism and vice versa. Although I’m not a fan of using once blog as a platform to promote religion but it is not wrong. However do use your blog to condemn others. I’m sure Jesus would never discriminate – so why should you? Practice your religion through faith and not pamplets. Good day.
Because I have written a post that exposes the lies in a Hindu/Indian saying (which you more than likely do not understand), you call it rubbish?
Religion is about God. Hinduism says many things about many gods and contradicts the Christian faith which talks about One God. I followed the Hindu religion for 20 years because I was born into it, until Jesus found me. I was taking a saying out of the Hindu religion/Indian culture (that puts God last and humans first) and wanting to show others from my background why this is wrong and why God is above all the others and should be first in their lives.
Jesus Himself said this in John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” You can go around making comments like this, but that does not change the truth as stated in the Bible. The Bible contradicts Hinduism, Islam and every other religion out there. The Bible says and Jesus clearly states that He is above all other gods/faiths!
I am living my faith everyday and will continue to do so. I will continue to preach the Word of God to others so that they will hear the truth about Jesus and turn from the false religions they are following now. The Bible tells us why we should preach the Word in Romans 10:14 – How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
Have you ever read the Bible, I mean, really read it, not just skimmed over it? I would suggest you start there, really get to know Jesus and understand the Christian faith, before telling someone else what they are doing wrong.
first of all “who made god?”
if you want to apply logic to one religion , you should apply to your own religion first. btw do you really believe universe is 6000 years old?
check this bro
If you ask a question like “Who made God?”, it tells me that you don’t understand or acknowledge that when one considers God, it means that this question becomes irrelevant! Why you ask? God by definition, is an entity Who has always existed, not created by a Super God or something nonsensical like that! Does that make sense? God is the Creator, Himself not created! I am sorry, but clearly, you have not thought that through.
I don’t care how old the Universe is! Why? Because it has ZERO bearing on who Jesus is and my faith in Him!
Sorry. but you are asking all the wrong questions.
Sri, I think you got Hinduism on the wrong perspective. Everyone has the right to follow their convictions. Hinduism is a value system. And you are stretching your logic too much. What you did is, u took one book as the holy grail ( I don’t know on what basis,u must be born into a Christan family) and trying to analyze the world through that prism of understanding. That itself lacks objectivity.
Hi Joe,
It is true that everyone has a right to follow whatever they want. Whether what they follow is truth or not, is a different matter.
I don’t think you read much about me when you came to this site, which caused you to assume that I was born into a Christian family. Truth is, I was born a Hindu, into a devout Hindu family. I was a practicing Hindu as well, until Jesus came looking for me, late 2000. Therefore, I believe I have a good understanding of what Hinduism is about, whether it is considered purely as a religion or value system or both. Reality is that Hinduism is both.
I wrote this port because growing up as a Hindu, I used to hear this a lot. After coming to Christ, I wanted to share with others why “Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam” is a concept that insults God. Therefore, I respectfully disagree with you when you say that I lack objectivity.
I am also going to make a note in the article to let people know that I am not some overzealous Christian who is taking a shot at the Hindus, but someone who has been there and knows what it means to be a Hindu.
Your hypothesis is based on your learning from bible….one it is non scientific…second you should ask WHO CREATED GOD…..if GOD created human according to bible then all are brothers and sister and everyone is incest…which is absurd. Hinduism allows you to worship anyone and everyone because belief that god exist in everyone and so does DEVIL. Depending on whom you feed more will come out in you. You were born Hindu converted into Christian…so if BIBLE was correct you should have know Jesus at Birth by yourself and no one should have directed you to him….in Hinduism if Guru is directing you towards god it makes more sense as its more practical. I am not vouching for any religion but spreading any religion is equivalent to spreading HATE because thats what religion does differentiate you and be hateful to each other …if that was not true then you wouldnt be praising one particular religion……get over religion and believe in humanity thats equivalent to being GODLY
All you have stated are your opinions. You eschew science yet are unwilling to even approach the matter of God in a scientific manner. You outright reject Him without a willingness to remotely consider the possible reality that God exists. You say He doesn’t exist (and that’s final) and that false assumption drives everything else. “Who created God?” is an ignorant question because in His very nature, He is the One who has always existed, uncreated, outside of time, space and matter. By faith I believe that God exists. I am not burdened to prove that He exists. Also, I am not trying to convince anyone that they should accept Christ. If you deny Him, that’s on you. Without God, this world wouldn’t have morals and if you remove Him, you have removed absolute truth and absolute standards and now, it’s basically up to anyone to define what is right and what is wrong and what is good and what is evil but you and others like you don’t get that. You keep believing in humanity and see where that leads you.
All you did in your article was quote what is in the bible. All you said about Hinduism being a false religion is your opinion. The above writer is correct, these are just ramblings of someone who doesn’t even have proper, logical and may i say intelligent arguments to what you are saying. Who are you to say that Eastern religions are fake? Why do you believe the writings of the bible and believe the writings of other religious books are incorrect. Who says relgion is about God? Obviously you do not understand religion or its teachings. maybe go back and read the bible and when you learn the lessons of God let me know
I am not here to debunk religions but to challenge people to examine Christ for themselves.
You keep talking about religion, something I don’t really care about.
All I am interested in is people encountering Jesus and entering a personal relationship with Him.
That’s the lesson I learned and continue to learn as I study the Bible, that the God who created everything, that the God who created me, wants to have a personal relationship with me and this is only possible through Jesus, because of who He is and what He did on that cross – taking the punishment for the sins of all mankind, for me.
And any religious doesn’t say you have to preach on their god and Hurt the other fellow being. Instead you could do good by helping the needy and getting your personal relationship with your god closer.
Hello. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Jesus explicitly commands His followers (us Christians) to share His Good News with others and make disciples. Please read Matthew 28:16-20. In John 14:6, Jesus declares: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” If Jesus is the ONLY Way, then, if I truly love others, I wouldn’t want anyone to perish and would tell everyone about Jesus, which is what I am doing. If a person’s feelings are hurt but their soul is saved, what do you think? God bless you.
You find something, it’s your free will to follow. And it isn’t necessary you have to go around finding faults in other people’s religion/ belief, which people have rights to follow just like you have your belief. Even before you sent out post justifying or contradicting think if are you even doing any good to humanity by finding fault in people’s believes and than creating chaos.
Ah, a convert – that explains a lot. May you one day see the light.
I don’t know what light you are talking about, but I have seen The Light and received Him into my life. His name is Jesus Christ.
John 8:12 – When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
A few questions.
To be a Christian, does one have to also believe that the Old Testament is true? The stories about Noah’s Ark, Jonah, the invasion of Canaan and so forth? And are these to be taken literally?
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to ask these questions.
The Old Testament and New Testament together form the Bible as we know it today. The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, Word of God. Anyone who claims to believe in the God of the Bible, cannot pick and choose to believe select portions of the Bible because some parts are more believable than others. No one can say that they are fine with Jesus and the New Testament but have issues with the Old Testament because they find some of it hard to believe. The God of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ in the New Testament are One and the same. This is very clear in the Bible.
To be a Christian, you have to place your trust and faith in Jesus Christ. You have to make a decision to believe that Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. You have to believe that His atoning sacrifice has made you clean and because of this, God has forgiven you. Remember, it is by grace through faith in Jesus that you are saved. By faith, you believe in God’s Word, both Old Testament and New Testament, including all the specific stories you mentioned.
Are they unbelievable? Yes. But think about it: If you are dealing with an Almighty, all powerful God, is it really that hard to believe?
Are you willing to believe that with God, all things are possible? Are you willing to believe that God can do miracles?
This is what faith in God is all about. There’s a lot we don’t know and a lot we may never understand. But to accept Jesus into our lives, do we really need to know everything and have an explanation for everything? I don’t think so.
To be a Christian in the truest sense, we have to have faith in Jesus. If you are a Christian in the truest sense, then you will choose to believe in all of the Bible, by faith.
I hope this makes sense.
It is a good thing that you have been able to see Hindu superstition for what it is.
I suggest it is not useful to then go on to accept some other superstition on faith alone.
Have you thought – I mean, really thought – about the immensity of the work required for the Noah’s Ark event? The gathering of all the world’s animals, from Australia, New Zealand, South America, Siberia, Tibet and so forth? As there was no motorised transport in those days, Noah and his sons would have had to travel into the interior of the Amazon from the Middle East by sailing ship and foot to collect all the animals and birds (and their special foods, and environments – for example ice for polar bears – in many cases). There is also the process of returning all the animals to their environments. Why did we re-discover all these animals, and do you think we would have forgotten all about them without record?
Are you suggesting all the animal movement happened as a result of a divine intervention? Then that is no different than believing our Hindu tales of bridges built by monkeys, or monkeys flying around with mountains. If, on the other hand, such stories are allegorical, then all the Bible stories should be taken in that spirit.
I am sorry, but I don’t think you quite understand what “faith” means in the Christian context. Faith in the God of the Bible is not the same as the shallow faith many exhibit and have in other religions.
You speak about the miracle of Noah’s Ark as one where Noah did all the work and that he was in charge and responsible for everything. Did you ever stop to think that the only thing God required Noah to do was obey God and build the Ark? That was Noah’s only task and God would ensure that the animals would get on-board the Ark. You are purely approaching it from a human perspective, but fail to recognize that this was a miracle initiated by God and He ensured that everything would go according to His plan, not anything Noah came up with. So, Noah did not have to worry about how the animals would get to the Ark or whatever, He just had to be obedient to listen to God when God commanded Him to build a huge Ark on dry land, far away from water. That required great amount of faith and trust on Noah’s part to obey. That’s the lesson of the story, not the logistics and details about how the animals got on board and how they were later dispersed and so on. My friend, it’s ok to wonder and be curious about such things, but if you focus on them so much and miss the point of the story and how miraculous it was, then you are losing out. Have a read of this and you can see that the Ark was big enough to hold the animals that needed to go on-board? I think with your curious mind, you might like it.
With Hindu tales of monkeys building bridges or flying around with bridges, you are once again missing the point. If Ramayana has such a huge significance, then why is it that Hinduism is not a transforming faith that truly changes people from within, not just a surface level change that many exhibit. A lot of people are nice/good people who do good things, but their minds & hearts are darkness.
In stark contrast, while the Bible has great miracles listed in it, the point of the miracles where to teach us what faith is all about and what God requires of us and how we must apply it in our life today. Every miracle that God has revealed in the Bible has a direct impact on the lives of true followers of Jesus today. Jesus did many miracles. He is not only recorded in the Bible as being a real person, He is also recorded in Roman history as being a real person. Rama and Hanuman and all of them are great characters, but they don’t have the real life influence and significance that Jesus alone has.
Curiosity is not a sin, but when that curiosity leads people to question God and hardens their heart to doubt that God can do miraculous things that are beyond human explanations and understanding, then it can lead you to sin and eventually, death and separation from God. If you insist that the majority of the Bible is allegorical because of the audacity of the miracles and incidents in it, you are doubting that God is incapable of doing that and more. You are a limited finite being with finite understanding. Don’t attempt to understand and comprehend and figure out an infinite God, but humble yourself and choose to believe that Jesus is who He says He is and died for your sins, my sins, so that by placing our trust and faith in Jesus, God will forgive us our sins and not punish us as our sins deserve, but allow us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
Dear Sri
Repeating something over and over does not make it true. Neither does wishful thinking.
Believing in a physical and mathematical impossibility is superstition. Ascribing reality to a physical and mathematical impossibility is superstition. Noah’s Ark is a physical and mathematical impossibility. Your link shows nothing apart from speculation that such and such “might” have happened. To suggest that a god magically transported animals from Siberia and Australia to the site of the Ark, and magically transported them back again diminishes the conception of a god. There is nothing to stop you from speculating that he could have simply re-created all the species since he can do anything. You can make up literally any explanation for anything if you invoke this kind of explanation.
We do not think of matters in this way. Apples do not fall out of trees, the Earth does not stay in orbit around the Sun and bridges do not stay up because a god has made them in a certain way. We can send spaceships to Mars because there are laws of physics and mathematics which are true whether there is a god or not. Invoking a god is logically meaningless. You can, of course, choose to speculate that a god devised the laws of physics and mathematics, but this belief is both content-free and irrelevant to the existent of the laws themselves.
Your belief suggests that the vast majority of humans are doomed to perdition, except for the minority who accept a belief in Jesus. It seems, at the very least, a little silly of your god to have created these large numbers of people simply to doom them to an eternity of torment for the sins of a very brief existence.
As for your real person logic, Hinduism or Christianity are not the only religion in the world. Buddha, Mahavira, Muhammad and Nanak, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and Mary Baker Eddy were all real persons. Tens or hundreds of millions of people believe in these religions. It does not mean all these incompatible religions are true. In fact, if anything, the existence of all these religions leads us to the conclusion that all religions are either equally true or equally false. I tend to think that they are all equally false, but that’s just me.
In fact, one of the Jesus parables, that of the Good Samaritan, suggests that Jesus both believed and taught that it is perfectly possible to be a decent and moral individual and care for humanity without being either a believing Christian or a Jew (neither of which the Samaritan was). If one was to believe your blog statements, it would seem to suggest that the Samaritan would currently be residing in Hell. I think the point of the story was to suggest the exact opposite.
Who’s repeating anything? I am merely sharing my beliefs with you. Wishful thinking? That’s your interpretation. By faith, I believe in Jesus and the Bible. I am not obligated or responsible for proving it to anyone, including yourself. I personally gain nothing, whether you believe or not, for it is not my eternal destination on the line, it’s yours. If at all anything, the only thing I gain when God uses me to lead others to Christ is the joy of seeing others gain freedom from sin and the gift of eternal life in Jesus.
You choose to want a scientific explanation for everything, rather than believe in miracles. Is that because you cannot humble yourself to accept the fact that not everything has a black and white explanation? I suppose the Big Bang is a lot more believable. Let’s see. First there was nothing or perhaps the ingredients were floating around, but no one knows where it came from or who put it there (who cares, right?). Then, for some unknown reason (why does that matter?), they all collided or there was an explosion of some kind, which led to the birth of the Universe as we know it. So, from a whole bunch of unknown ingredients of unknown origin which led to an unknown explosion for unknown reasons, the origin of all things is explained! Yes, it makes so much sense because it has so much content and relevance, right? Pardon my sarcasm, but it really bothers me that there are people out there who are quick to believe in the Big Bang, despite it’s BIG holes, yet have a problem even considering that God could be real, that the Bible could be true.
God did not create people so that they would be doomed. People chose to disobey God and question Him and doubt Him (like you are doing) and there’s a penalty for all that (which is sin), and that penalty is death. Whether or not you or I believe in any of it, makes no difference. You may be well educated and have many degrees and experience and might consider yourself to be a philosophically sophisticated human being, but if you think that you can easily explain away God through logic, logic that’s limited by your limited mind, your limited understanding, your limited knowledge, then my friend, whether you recognize or admit it, you are being overly proud.
You listed a whole bunch of names. That’s all well and good except that no one besides Jesus claimed to be God and backed up His words with His actions. Not only that, none of the other so called religious figures predicted that they would die and rise again. The early followers of Jesus were witness to this and they all died as martyrs, holding fast to the very end that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Saviour of the World, that He is everything He said He was. But then again, you might say there is not enough evidence to prove it and that the Bible alone cannot be trusted. Again, whether you believe it or not, the Bible has stood the test of time and the challenges of skeptics such as yourself.
Your conclusion of the story of the Good Samaritan is far from the truth. Perhaps you should read and study this story, the Bible, a bit more before you make the kind of statements you have. Here’s something to get you started – I must caution you. If you approach God, the Bible, Jesus, with purely an academic/scientific mind, without humility or with an intolerance to faith or without an open mind, you will understand nothing. For true wisdom comes from God. If a person is not willing to admit that they could be wrong,
I know why I write what I write on my site and why I am writing to you now. It is not to show myself superior to anyone. My desire is to point others to Jesus, so that they too will seek Him out with a humble and open heart, and Lord willing, find freedom and salvation in Him.
Dear Sri,
I am not in the least bit dogmatic. I do not know whether the Big Bang or any other cosmological theory is true or false – not being a physicist. Whether such theories are true or not will (I suppose) be proven (or disproven) at some point. I am content to keep an open mind on such issues, depending on the scientific consensus of the day.
Also, pride has very little to do with logic. One can be rational to whatever extent one wishes to, or not. Like yourself, I have no desire to convert anyone, especially as I have no particular belief to convert anyone to.
I have indeed read the Bible, as I have read the texts of various religions. Actually the Bible is probably the best summary of belief, IMO, if one regards the Pentateuch in the Old Testament as both allegorical, and largely mythical. An allegory or a myth, I must stress, is not the same as a false story, and can carry considerable weight. The Catholic Church (I went to a Catholic school here in India), for example, believes in an allegorical interpretation of Genesis which, again IMO, seems to be essentially correct. In fact I was discussing these issues with our local Catholic priest (I live in Calcutta, where we have a strong Catholic tradition) a few days ago and he confirmed this.
Dear Manish,
You sound very much like an agnostic (God might exist, but I’m not sure) to me, not wanting to decide one way or another, but rather rely on the “scientific consensus of the day” as you put it. Well, the scientific consensus of this day and age says that everything started with the Big Bang, which as I mentioned in my earlier comment, cannot be a possibility. The larger scientific community wants to eliminate God from the picture, but I personally know at least one scientist (working with DNA) who wholeheartedly believes in God, Jesus Christ and the Bible.
While you may have read the Bible, I am not sure with what frame of mind and heart you read it. You see, if you read it with a certain attitude that most people in this world has towards the Bible (this is just a made up fairytale that is not true), then you won’t get much out of it. Anyone who reads the Bible without a humble attitude, an open heart and mind and zero expectation to hear from God, will gain nothing but human knowledge from that experience. Humility is key to coming to know who God is and understanding what the Bible says. I don’t know you, so I cannot say what kind of a person you are.
The influence of the Catholic school you attended and your recent discussions with the Catholic priest only confirms what you think Genesis could mean. Could it be possible that both yourself and the Catholic priest and the Catholic church as an entity could be wrong in this regard? It’s not what the Catholic Church or any person (including myself) or group that decides what is true, what is myth, what is an allegory or whatever else, when it comes to the Bible. If you cannot accept what the Bible says, by faith, then you need to take that up with God.
I personally don’t care whether it was 6 actual days or millions of years or whatever else, I, by faith, believe that God created everything, as it is written in the book of Genesis because that’s the point: do you believe that God created everything as it is written in the Bible? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is who the Bible says He is and did whatever He did? Scientific consensus will not get you anywhere, only a childlike faith can.
Dear Sri,
I am not sure we are gaining any further with this discussion.
We cannot really have a rational discussion if your premise is to cast aside the common assumptions of discourse. In my opinion, the first step of any discourse is to agree on a common set of assumptions – “a” means “a”, “days” mean “days”, “rain” means “rain” and so forth. Unless we can agree on the meaning of the words that we we use, how can we carry on a conversation? I am unclear how a “a humble attitude, an open heart and mind” can change the essential structure of a language.
And yes, I do think, in common with most people, (and most Christians of my acquaintance in India, I must add) that Genesis is a collection of allegories, myths, fables and poetry that aid in an understanding of the human condition, and should be read in the same spirit as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Iliad, Odyssey, Kalevala and so forth.
It is futile to expect consistency and rigour in these incongruent stories. My point in our entire series of exchanges is to point this out. Very few people (Christians included) seriously believe that the Tower of Babel was a real event, for example – the story is an allegory about pride and hubris – as pointed out in the Iliad as well, or in the story about Kacha and Devyani. Or that God created the rainbow thousands of years after creating the sun and rain. Whereas the idea of the rainbow as an allegory for the essential benignity of a God in the sense of being the sign that all humans will be saved at the last, in spite of their transgressions, makes perfectly good sense, and is in line with other myths.
I am not sure we are gaining any further with this discussion – What were you hoping to gain Manish?
Premise is to cast aside the common assumptions of discourse – When one is discussing God, language is not the most important aspect to worry about. When you started this discussion with me, we never established any assumptions of any kind, not even on the characteristics/nature/power of God. You started with what you hold to be true (which I have no knowledge of) and I started with where I stand as a Christian. I’d say language is the last thing you should be worried about when discussing God.
I am unclear how a “a humble attitude, an open heart and mind” can change the essential structure of a language. – It can’t. Again, I was not referring to the language we should be using, more the heart and attitude with which people should approach the topic of God. I have faith in Jesus Christ and I believe in the Bible and the God of the Bible. You clearly don’t. So, both of us approach the discussion differently. From our previous conversations and what you have stated in this response, it’s abundantly clear that you view the Bible as purely a literary piece of work, addressing human condition from a philosophical point of view and nothing more. I stated that humility is the key to having faith. You directed the statement I made to only focus on the language used, rather than taking time to reflect the attitude of your heart and mind.
You have already established for yourself (futher reinforced by people who think the same way you do) that Genesis cannot be literal and that it should be read in the same “spirit” as the literary works you mentioned. Is it so hard for you to believe that the Bible could be more than what those other books are? If we had established a certain set of assumptions about God (as I mentioned earlier), you wouldn’t be able to refute the possibility of Genesis being true.
You mentioned the tower of Babel and the rainbow. Again, why is it so hard to believe that God could have done exactly what He said He did in the Bible?
Sorry Manish, but it seems to me that it is easier for you to believe that all of this is an allegory and that the Bible is a myth/fairytale than to accept it for what it is and Jesus for who He is.
Why do I say this? Your last sentence gives it away. “Whereas the idea of the rainbow as an allegory for the essential benignity of a God in the sense of being the sign that all humans will be saved at the last, in spite of their transgressions, makes perfectly good sense, and is in line with other myths.” Basically, you are saying that no matter what people have done and no matter what they believe in, your idea of God is someone who will accept everyone, no matter what, with no consequences whatsoever for their actions. In this regard, you are no different from the millions of people who deny Jesus and reject the Bible because doing so is easier than accepting the fact that if you do believe in the Bible, you’ll have to be accountable and responsible for your transgressions and pay the penalty for it, unless you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
Dear Sri
I believe there is an inert simplicity in the phrase you have dissected. Simply put, your mother brought you into this world with love and care from the date of conception. If there was no caution heeded during the intrauterine period and initial years of your life, you could have ended up with any number of cognitive, mental and or physical abnormalities/defects. Of course, your father played a major role here too. Then came your education, both secular and religious. That brings us to your Guru/s. without these people in your life, you would not have been educated in the art of languages and would not have been able to pursue your love and passion for theology. You would not have understood that a greater force exists and created the laws of physics and mathematics. Hence you would not have been introduced to God in such a direct manner. Taking this into consideration, I believe the phrase is helping you remember that there are certain people you should thank for showing you such a direct route to God.
Now you will take what I have said and more than likely distort it, but I beg of you not to look so deeply for fault. If we look long enough, we will find fault.
Hi Kanaya,
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. This email will be posted as is on the site as well.
Before I address your post as a whole, I wanted to focus on one statement you made: ” Now you will take what I have said and more than likely distort it”. I am sorry, but you are mistaken. I have no intention of distorting anything you’ve said and not only that, you don’t know me at all to even make such an assumption, unless, you said so because in your eyes, I have “distorted” the topic of this post.
Coming back to my post & your response. I sincerely believe that you have missed the point of my post. I’ll look at some of the points you raised and give you the reasons as to why I make this assertion.
“Simply put, your mother brought you into this world with love and care from the date of conception. If there was no caution heeded during the intrauterine period and initial years of your life, you could have ended up with any number of cognitive, mental and or physical abnormalities/defects. Of course, your father played a major role here too.” – Not once in my post did I ever say that I think less of my mother or father and how they have cared for me & nurtured. Not once did I say that I think less of what they have done for my siblings and I. Not once did I say that my parents are not important, that their role in my life has been meaningless. If you look at my YouTube page ( you will realise that despite my parents not being Christians, despite them not being pleased with the fact that I am a Christian, I have publicly shared my love & respect for them in videos I created especially for them.
” Then came your education, both secular and religious. That brings us to your Guru/s. without these people in your life, you would not have been educated in the art of languages and would not have been able to pursue your love and passion for theology. You would not have understood that a greater force exists and created the laws of physics and mathematics. Hence you would not have been introduced to God in such a direct manner.” – I was born a Hindu. No one taught me about the Christian faith or about Jesus, whom I follow now. While teachers did play a part in my secular education, none of my middle/high school or university teachers taught me about Jesus or God or theology or have any impact in terms of the passion I have for Jesus Christ now. To be brutally honest Kanaya, my secular education played no part in my faith journey because Jesus came looking for me. I did not find Jesus/God when I was deeply engrossed in mathematics or science or arts or anything like that. Although some may have a story like that, I can assure you that this is not my story. Jesus came looking for me and He found me and in time, I placed my trust and faith in Him!
” Taking this into consideration, I believe the phrase is helping you remember that there are certain people you should thank for showing you such a direct route to God.” – While I love my parents for doing their best to raise me and all my teachers for playing an integral part in my education, they had nothing to do in directing me to Jesus Christ, my God, whom I worship and follow. On the other hand, the objective of my post, the reason I took on this saying, was to show people that EVERYTHING starts with the LORD God and EVERYTHING ends with the LORD God. The Bible says this in John 1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word (Jesus) was with God, and the Word (Jesus) was God. He (Jesus) was with God in the beginning. Through Him (Jesus) all things were made; without Him (Jesus) nothing was made that has been made.” [emphasis on Jesus mine but verified and true as per Scriptures]
There is One God who created EVERYTHING. Please don’t refer to Him as the “greater force” because no offence, this is not Star Wars. My objective was to challenge Indians (and people in general) to change their perspective, the status quo (of giving parents a position that is solely reserved for God) and to help them realise and acknowledge that God is first and foremost, then comes mother, father, teacher and everyone else. Without God, there is no mother, father, teacher or anyone/anything else. Without God, there is no creation!
In the Bible, God commands us in Exodus 20:12 to honour our father and mother, but ONLY AFTER God makes it very clear that He ALONE is above all (see Exodus 20:3-11).
Jesus DOES NOT leave us an option to just choose some of His teachings, to choose just some parts of the Bible we agree with or like, to then choose some other god and some other teachings from other religions (like Hinduism or Islam or Buddhism) and end up with a buffet of convoluted philosophies and ideologies that we are comfortable with following. Jesus unapologetically declares that HE ALONE is the only way, truth and life.
Whether or not anyone chooses to accept Jesus as the Son of God, the Saviour of the World, as God Almighty, does not change the truth that He is who He says He is. Sadly, those who deny Christ, have denied the atoning sacrifice for their sins, the salvation God has offered. In the Bible, God makes it abundantly clear that all who trust Jesus and put their faith in Him are saved from judgement eternal separation from God.
This is my prayer for you and for everyone else, that everyone would come to KNOW Jesus Christ and be saved!
I can only pray.
Hindu by birth, not Hindu by understanding. You should also ask yourself “Where, when, how and by whom” did Jesus get his guidance and learning. While you are so busy trying to convince yourself of what it is you believe, you have lost sight of what Jesus stood for. I am not even going to talk about what your claims are but just note that ALL religious texts taken “literally” will surely lead you, spiritually, to nowhere fast.
You should also ask yourself “Where, when, how and by whom” did Jesus get his guidance and learning. – The moment I read that statement, I realised that you obviously have no clue about who Jesus is and what the Bible says about Him. God does not need guidance and learning from anyone. You see, Jesus is God, not because I said it is so (or am trying to convince myself). The Bible says so. Perhaps if you were to read the Bible for yourself, you would not ask these kind of questions.
You are so misguided that you can see only as far as your nose. Some 18 or so years of “the son of god” has been UNACCOUNTED for and you seriously want to argue this point? They obviously knew he was no ordinary man if they can account for his birth and show miracles happening as well. So what happened? And also on a side note, seeing as u so believe the literal writings of the Bible, what race was Adam and Eve? I have a few more to ask but these are just starters…
What are you after Rohan? An argument or are you seriously seeking the truth?
The unaccounted years? There are many wild theories about it (which is what I assume you are alluding to), but the Bible simply states that Jesus grew up in wisdom and stature before God and men. Do you know what that means? Jesus led an ordinary everyday life, working as a carpenter, taking care of His family and facing everything that human beings face in their everyday life, but not sinning like all of us do. This is why Hebrews 4:15 says this about Jesus: For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin.
You choose to focus on information that God purposely did not put in the Bible (The unaccounted years?) and question irrelevant things (What race was Adam & Eve? The HUMAN race!). Who cares what race they were? You are missing the point that God created Adam and Eve!
If these are the “questions” you have to ask me, then don’t bother because they are without merit and have been asked by many before you and refuted with sound explanations.
A quick Google search gave me this:
You can try to poke holes in the Bible and what it says about Jesus (may have tried and miserably failed) and waste your time and your life doing so or you can accept everything by faith and see what God can and will do in your life.
I rest my case. Whatever you can’t explain, u say it is irrelevant. These were just minor examples to refute your myopic viewpoint. I am not here to convince you of anything, unlike you, who have a hidden agenda masked with a lack of understanding or research in the subject matter. “My prayer is that other Hindus will be challenged by what I share and take a closer look at who they are, what they believe, why they believe it and in the process, seek out God and find salvation in Jesus.” You are on a conversion drive my friend and there in lies your deceit. The same thing which you are asking, “to challenge what you are told etc.”, is the very same thing you refuse to do.
Let me ask you this Rohan: these “questions” you are asking, the one you are accusing I say are irrelevant because I cannot answer them, why do you want to know the answers to them and what do you hope to gain/achieve, IF you were to ever find them?
Hidden agenda? You make me laugh. I have blatantly made my position known in every post I have written. I gain nothing by converting you or anyone else. Tell me Rohan, since you supposedly know so much about me, what would I gain by you or anyone else converting to Christianity? Perhaps there is a club that pays me for every convert? Perhaps I get added benefits from God for every convert? So, I suggest you think harder before making statements like “You are on a conversion drive my friend and there in lies your deceit”.
I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks of me, so long as you reflect on what your beliefs are and have made a conscious choice to believe what you believe in. This is what I am challenging people to do. I cannot convert anyone (because only God’s Holy Spirit can do that) and I don’t have a desire to do so because Christians are not asked to do so!
I have come to terms with my faith in Jesus Christ. I have learned that there are many things I don’t need to know. You on the other hand are chasing after all these “irrelevant” pieces of information, God alone knows for what purpose because at the end of the day, these questions you are raising, does not have any impact on what is said in the Bible about Jesus and what millions of people since then have believed and followed. That Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour and that everyone who believes in Him will not perish (eternally) but have everlasting life, that God has forgiven their sins!
You obviously don’t care about what is stated in the Bible, but rather, want to chase after the wind.
The Bible defines faith in this manner: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
In the Bible, God also says this: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
It is clear that this is not enough for you Rohan. You can think whatever or me and call my views myopic or whatever you like. At the end of the day, I go bed in peace, having reconciled that I have faith in Jesus Christ and even though there are many unanswerable questions, the answers to the important and relevant questions are already available to me.
God is father. There are two father figure, one is supreme soul who is father of all souls including animal’s souls and all living being. And then Jagath Pitha he is father of all human bening and Jagath matha she is mother of all human being. When the dharmic values of India( bharath, jagath pitha) declines then other fathers comes down and they establish religion number wise. Such as Abraham and budha later Jesus ,later muhammed, later guru nanak, Shankar Acharya, dayandandh saraswathy as it goes own. And also other Atheistic gurus such as marx and millions of other religious and non-religious gurus continue to come down to earth. Although aim and objectives of those fathers who came number wise were to create a heaven or ideal society. The world continue to degrade and society continue to loose dharmic values. In my humble opinion the scriptures which were originally written with all the respect to Supreme Being later got manipulated edited and deleted by corrupt human being to suit for their own lifestyle. As a result now we can clearly see in Bible, Quran and some Hindu scriptures which do not respect human being on one side and on the other side it has all the respect for human being. The devotees of all this religion who blindly follow such teaching as gods divine direction has ultimately leads to the degradation of all religion on earth. Now it is time for supreme soul to come from param dham( supreme abode) to come down and establish original deity religion and transform the soul of original creation of god( which are shaktis that we worship in india , the soul which is jagath pitha can be associated with adidev or adam). The family of adam is shaktis. Or adidev . adi Shakti etc. Now just as when we take birth in human womb first we have the embelical cord connected to the mother and when we take birth we gets lots of love and protection from mother. Childs intellect will not be able to make a logical reasoning and associate father as part first. Slowly mother introduce the child to the father and as child grows up the father gives teaching to the child by role modelling and teaching values and giving direction etc. this happens in spiritual life . it can happen to the religion of budha and his followers can compared as his children and the family of budha tree grown according the father budha. It can also be applied to the family of jesus and slowly growing that tree and spreading to Europe etc. the difference here is such fathers were reasonably powerful and world famous. But they failed to destroy the old way of blind faith system, perhaps they end up adopting such system and subsequently bringing down the value of the whole world occurred. Now it is time for the supreme being come on right time and do his task. He will not do a task where our world will go down for another 2000 years. When he comes he does thing by using the three murthis and destroy the old way of thinking and construct new way godly way of respect practical manifestation of god himself through selected family of his own. Which is bharath( ram or shaker or adam). As bharath become equal to supreme soul the maya which is the asura students( Brahmins not worldly Brahmins) will create power of evil. Ultimately the mahadev or ram or shanker will destroy the maya by becoming equal to god . here god will prove the old teaching of god is sarva vyapi( which is added to our scriptures later own and other books like bible in later stage)is wrong and god is only ek vyapi. Present in one. By understanding who god is and take direction from the soul he enter to change world we the Shakti souls of original creation become liberated and display to the world as manifestation of supreme while the old world is getting destroyed. And finally supreme soul will take back all souls to the paramdham. The eternal one are the mother father and children( shaktis who become nar se Narayan and nari se narayani). This creation is worshiped in india. Although they are not supreme being they are still worship worthy because of the creation of supreme being. Even today if supreme soul come he will find his creation being worshiped. But when budha or jesus came they could not find any proof of such worship exist before.
Jesus said He is God. He did on Earht, what God alone could do. You can believe in all this stuff you wrote or you can believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Saviour of the Word, the Way, the Truth, the Life. All this stuff you have gone into detail about, is simply an explanation of something that cannot save them.
Oh! Christian preachers, Jehovah created this world comprising of sentientand insentient beings. Logic is that every effect hasa cause. So, this world, being an effect, must have acause and therefore a purpose behind it because noone will do an action without a motive.
पयोजनमनु शय
पवरत रे
even a fool doesnot act without a purpose. As regards whether themotive behind the Creation is selfish or unselfish, itis beyond any doubt that this Creation is only forthe benefit of Jehovah
as it is said in Bible that “
forI have created him for my glory
(Isaiah 43:7).Moreover, as per basic principles of Christianitythere were no souls before the beginning ofCreation and it cannot, therefore, be said thatCreation was for the benefit of anyone else except Jehovah. The only alternative is that Jehovahcreated this world for His own benefit. Jehovah, in the beginning, created twohumans who were ignorant and were not endowedwith pure knowledge, planted in their vicinity atree which apparently was of no use, forbade them,
Kristumata Chedanam
with no justification, from eating the fruits of thistree and instead of prohibiting or destroying Satan, Jehovah let him roam freely on Earth to tempt men.Misguided by Satan, the primeval men becamedeluded and being tempted for pleasure theyviolated the divine command and thus becamesinners.Thereafter, without resorting to any othermeans of creating souls, God allowed all souls beborn as progenies of primeval men who weresinners and so all the souls became sinners.Because they were sinners, they needed to beredeemed. Since Creation gave rise to sinners, itbecame the indirect cause for redemption. Ways ofSalvation were also revealed as a form of testingthe sinners. The souls were given life on Earth,which is subject to annihilation, so as to know aspure those souls who accept the means of Salvationand have the virtue of obeying God and know therest of the souls as impure and also about thereward and punishment they will be awarded inthe next world. Creation as well as annihilation,thus, necessitates divine Grace. In order to instilfear in the pure souls in Heaven so that they do notstray from their devotion to Jehovah, punishmentsare inflicted upon impure souls to suffer endlessly.Thus, souls seek redemption out of fear ofpunishment in Hell. Those thus redeemed will
Kristumata Chedanam
praise God and He will shine in all His glory.
Ultimate object is Jehovah‟s
gratification. It can beconcluded from the above that the purpose behindthe Creation was selfishness of Jehovah
I can’t tell if you believe in Christ alone, that He is who He says He is OR are you one of those who naively believe that all gods are the same?
check this out quickly…just a few points to play around with your biased opinions.
*you can never see the bigger picture if you get to deep, you will miss al ot of heavenly glory which lies above your pettiness.
*everything in the world evolves for 2 reasons ie adaption for survival and/ or convenience.
*human nature dictates our need to differentiate ourselves which results in segregation.
*Nature dictates our need to gain control and power over other things or people.
*Religion is a man made concept
*nothing in any religion worth proving can be proven as fact.
-You know not what you speak off. that is fact.
*unless it can be mathematically/ scientifically proven, anything in this world being discussed is kind of like gossip.
*human beings need to believe in something to compensate for all the unanswered questions and need to have faith in that or else we are just monkeys and we have already passed that stage.
*Hinduisim was the first “religion”.
*indians had an important role to play in mathematics, science, astrology and astronomy 1000s of years ago when the world knew little to nothing. which means they observed and gained understanding of the world.
*there are only a few BASIC truths/ principles that encompass the world and which can be applied from the lowest to the highest level and still the theory will be proven correct.
now…. there was once a group of people from a long line of others who learnt to make fire( survival and convenience). these people then learnt to communicate. these people then started to think. they observed, analyzed, used trial and error, found common dinominators and saw patterns. all the while asking themselves simple questions for example what are we, firstly, and what do we become when we seize to exist, what lies above the sky, is there anyone else there, how does it all fit together, given all the answers or not which they could create they now look at our behaviour and interaction with each other and the world we live in and what actions would bring the best possible outcomes in our lives. they devised stories which taught lessons on what they thought is right and/ or good to preserve the world and live in harmony. (they saw that everything works in harmony even destruction). time passes and more people start to take an interest, people congregate to discuss and share. a religion is formed. centuries pass. a foreign crowd stumble upon this religion. they are interested, amazed and curious. they see and understand what is being taught. evolution hits. they see that belief in something gives people strength (survival) and a way to answer all the unanswered questions. they also see that they can take these teachings and make their own religion (convenience). they begin to draw up their own religion and on the way this ideology of religion becomes twarted. human nature kicks in, control and power. certain points are taken out and added in. commands are given and other points are tweeked for convenience or the need to be unique. this religion is stumbled upon by another crowd and the same thing happens.
do you see where i am going with this. your religion should be god and nature. even if you dont know who god is, you need something to believe in. do not make the concept of religion your religion. you do not need company in your religion. you have faith in god i see but saying that hinduism is wrong and christ is the only one means that you also have faith in gossip. therefore you are not credible. and also not very clued up or wise. intelligence is when you can take what you have learned and apply it correctly. you haven’t learned much and cant apply what u have learned correctly. you were not there on the ark holding noahs hand or when moses spoke to a burning bush. so stop getting caught up in the gossip.
my question to you is…Who will right the next version of the bible????? and where will he/she get their material?????
Also, Neslon Mandela freed his people…would you call him the son of good and worship him as you do christ?
I have tried to go point by point in your reply. Truth be told though, I’m not sure if you have ever read the Bible or read about the Christian faith or who Jesus is because if you did, you wouldn’t have made half the statements you made.
check this out quickly…just a few points to play around with your biased opinions. – I was born into the Hindu faith and lived it for a long time before I came to know Christ.
*you can never see the bigger picture if you get to deep, you will miss al ot of heavenly glory which lies above your pettiness. – Same can be said about your birds eye view of religion.
*everything in the world evolves for 2 reasons ie adaption for survival and/ or convenience. – According to who? You? Or some “expert” you are paraphrasing?
*human nature dictates our need to differentiate ourselves which results in segregation. – Again, is this your expert opinion or are you borrowing from someone else?
*Nature dictates our need to gain control and power over other things or people. – See my comment above.
*Religion is a man made concept – Yes religion is, but the true Christian faith that I speak of is about relationship with Jesus.
*nothing in any religion worth proving can be proven as fact. – Have you researched this or are you making another blanket statement?
-You know not what you speak off. that is fact.
*unless it can be mathematically/ scientifically proven, anything in this world being discussed is kind of like gossip. – Do you even know the definition of gossip? Eye witness accounts that are passed through generations qualify as fact, not gossip.
*human beings need to believe in something to compensate for all the unanswered questions and need to have faith in that or else we are just monkeys and we have already passed that stage. – This may be true of other religions but not the Christian faith.
*Hinduisim was the first “religion”. – First doesn’t make it right or true.
*indians had an important role to play in mathematics, science, astrology and astronomy 1000s of years ago when the world knew little to nothing. which means they observed and gained understanding of the world. – I never disagreed or denied this. God can use anyone anywhere.
*there are only a few BASIC truths/ principles that encompass the world and which can be applied from the lowest to the highest level and still the theory will be proven correct. – Who came up with these “BASIC truths/principles”?
now…. there was once a group of people from a long line of others who learnt to make fire( survival and convenience). these people then learnt to communicate. these people then started to think. they observed, analyzed, used trial and error, found common dinominators and saw patterns. all the while asking themselves simple questions for example what are we, firstly, and what do we become when we seize to exist, what lies above the sky, is there anyone else there, how does it all fit together, given all the answers or not which they could create they now look at our behaviour and interaction with each other and the world we live in and what actions would bring the best possible outcomes in our lives. they devised stories which taught lessons on what they thought is right and/ or good to preserve the world and live in harmony. (they saw that everything works in harmony even destruction). time passes and more people start to take an interest, people congregate to discuss and share. a religion is formed. centuries pass. a foreign crowd stumble upon this religion. they are interested, amazed and curious. they see and understand what is being taught. evolution hits. they see that belief in something gives people strength (survival) and a way to answer all the unanswered questions. they also see that they can take these teachings and make their own religion (convenience). they begin to draw up their own religion and on the way this ideology of religion becomes twarted. human nature kicks in, control and power. certain points are taken out and added in. commands are given and other points are tweeked for convenience or the need to be unique. this religion is stumbled upon by another crowd and the same thing happens. – The Bible has more manuscripts than any other literature. From the earliest disciples until today, Jesus followers have given up their life for Him, because of their faith in Him. Have you ever read the Bible? Do you know the what and the why of the Bible? What you have taken the pains to explain isn’t what the Bible is about.
do you see where i am going with this. your religion should be god and nature. – God created all things. Worship the Creator, not the created, which is what idol worship is.
even if you dont know who god is, you need something to believe in. – Who are you talking about? I don’t believe in Jesus because I need something to believe in.
do not make the concept of religion your religion. – Again, I have no interest in religion. Religion isn’t the same as relationship with Jesus. If you don’t understand this, go learn what it means before you write such replies.
you do not need company in your religion. – This is not about “company” but spreading the Good News about Jesus so that people can make a decison for themselves. This is not a club that I need company.
you have faith in god i see but saying that hinduism is wrong and christ is the only one means that you also have faith in gossip. – Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” I didn’t make it up. Do you honestly think that over 2 billion people have trusted in Christ over a mere gossip?
therefore you are not credible. – I don’t have to be credible because I am not defending myself or my creation.
and also not very clued up or wise. – That’s an ill informed opinion based on your lack of insight or understanding about Jesus, the Christian faith or why I have written this post.
intelligence is when you can take what you have learned and apply it correctly. you haven’t learned much and cant apply what u have learned correctly. – You have made this statement based on one post I have written about a topic that you cannot fully grasp yourself. Who is being unintelligent now?
you were not there on the ark holding noahs hand or when moses spoke to a burning bush. – No, I believe that by faith. Again, go check on the Biblical manuscripts and the sheer numbers available today.
so stop getting caught up in the gossip. – Sounds like you are the one who has been duped by gossip perpetrated by those who don’t have a clear understanding of Jesus or the Christian faith or why Christians continually share about Jesus with everyone.
my question to you is…Who will right the next version of the bible????? and where will he/she get their material????? – God used people, inspired them to pen His Word, the Bible, over a period of 1500 years. Multiple authors across many centuries, all talking about One God. The Bible is not a piece of fiction that one group of people came up with, all at the same time. Go read the Bible and read up on the Bible before you comment on it.
Also, Neslon Mandela freed his people…would you call him the son of good and worship him as you do christ? – Honestly, I can’t believe that you are comparing Mandela to Jesus Christ.
See…i might be mistaken, but being a hindu previously does not mean that you know about hinduism. i was born hindu. i then threw myself into christianity and then into islam and buddhism to trey and understand god, religion and man. we are convinced already that what you think is true and all you are mostly going by is what you know in the bible. if you so strongly believe in what you speak then keep it to yourself. you dont have to try and convince people or let them know of the good news. you are just a sheep. when you understand other religions, people, nature and how the world seems to work then you may say how u believe in christ but not say why something else is wrong and christ is the only one. the things i speak of are not taught in church. it is universal knowledge. all these thousands of years ago when the bible was written, it was not encouraged to think for yourself. you want to argue something that cannot be proven. your proof is the bible and even that cannot be proven correct. so shut the fuck up, go to church and keep your opinions to yourself. religion is a concept that causes wars. so think before your ink. everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to give it. you might be intelligent as i see you have a good command of english but i also see your narrow mind and lack of imagination so in essence, you are learnered but stupid.
Once again, I have gone through your comments and replied, where necessary.
See…i might be mistaken – You are acknowledging the possibility that you are wrong in your thinking, thereby negating everything else you have written.
, but being a hindu previously does not mean that you know about hinduism. i was born hindu. i then threw myself into christianity and then into islam and buddhism to trey and understand god, religion and man. – It’s good that you are seeking, but to think you have understood all there is to understand, is your folly.
we are convinced already that what you think is true and all you are mostly going by is what you know in the bible. – The Bible is the Word of God. It’s the truth, not a truth amongst many truths. So, why would I rely on anything else when the truth is in front of me?
if you so strongly believe in what you speak then keep it to yourself. you dont have to try and convince people or let them know of the good news. – This very statement alone is proof that you have no idea as to who Jesus is or why the Gospel is called the Good News. The Good News is for all people, so that they will be saved from God’s wrath. Jesus has given all Christians the Great Commission and epects us to share the Gospel. You may not want to hear the Good News but there are millions of individuals who are thirsty for it and are getting right with God because they have recieved Jesus into their hearts.
you are just a sheep. – Yes I am and Jesus is my Good Shepherd, who will lead me through this life and be my God for all eternity.
when you understand other religions, people, nature and how the world seems to work then you may say how u believe in christ but not say why something else is wrong and christ is the only one. – I didn’t say that Christ is the only One, He did. He said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He made Himself exclusive.
the things i speak of are not taught in church. – Clearly.
it is universal knowledge. – Knowledge is stretching it a lot. Opinion is more an accurate way to describe it.
all these thousands of years ago when the bible was written, it was not encouraged to think for yourself. – God made moral laws, not man. Without God, there is no morality to speak of. God gave instructions how to live life according to His ways.
you want to argue something that cannot be proven. – You want to listen to people who have already addressed this? If you are serious, look up Ravi Zacharias on YouTube. He is a very learned man, a Hindu by birth (like me), who has come to follow Jesus. Here are some of his videos that you can watch.
The Incoherence of Atheism –
Jesus: A Unique Savior (1 of 2) –
Jesus: A Unique Savior (2 of 2) –
You can find many more online.
your proof is the bible and even that cannot be proven correct. – There are plenty of resources by people more qualified than you and I, who have given talks about this. See Scientific Evidence for the Christian Faith – Hugh Ross, PhD – Hugh Ross doesn’t invent lies, but uses existing research by Atheists to explain.
so shut the fuck up, go to church and keep your opinions to yourself. – This very statement shows where your heart is and what sort of an attitude you have. I have not once used foul language in my response and don’t intend to, nor do I have a desire to. By insulting me and cursing me, you have shown your true colours.
religion is a concept that causes wars. – Religion has been used for evil, but that doesn’t negate the need for reconciliation with God and a relationship (not religion) with Jesus.
so think before your ink. – You should heed your own advice.
everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to give it. – Perhaps you should read what you have written. The fact that you have stated everyone is entitled to their opinion means that everyone, including me and you. The very nature of opinion is that it can be shared, whatever that opinion may be. Others are free to consider or deny the opinions of others. That being said, I am not sharing my opinion, but the truth as presented in the Bible.
you might be intelligent as i see you have a good command of english but i also see your narrow mind and lack of imagination so in essence, you are learnered but stupid. – I am not writing a fairy tale that you should comment on my imagination. You call me stupid because you cannot accept the truth of the Bible, let alone the fact that I am (and will continue to) unashamedly share it. I trust in Jesus and with all my faculties, believe that Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God, the Saviour of the World, who was born a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father and will one day return to judge everyone.
If you don’t want to listen to me because I am stupid, fair enough. That’s your opinion about me and you are entitled to it. But, if you are truly a seeker as you claim to be, watch the videos I mentioned above and listen to what they say. I am not ashamed to admit that they are more intelligent and even wiser than me.
I pray that God will open your eyes, your mind and your heart so that you will come to know who Jesus is.
God bless you.
Dumbass…for all anyone knows, you could be believing in a fairytale. fair enough, love your god, its your way. even i love your god. the story of christ teaches us all. the man freed his ppl from oppression. what you doing here in trying to praise your god and spread the “news” is good also. but you do not try and oppress people in criticizing their god/ religion. the thing is you may think you are a good person but in your actions you are not. and about my vulgar language, i choose to use it on you coz i can see from miles away what a cunt you are. you have nothing to stand on but your bible, which may be enough for you. but some ppl dont take the bible as the truth because there can be many other truths. and by you denying that shows how ignorant you are. for me, i take lessons from the bible. i even pray to christ every now and then. so i take other perspectives into consideration,i have faith and i am spiritual. you are an idiot. kill yourself. instead of just praying to your god and worrying about your own life, you are forcing people to believe in what you believe. so shut the fuck up, get a life and pray about it. bitch. yes i am cursing at you. i told you earlier, religion causes wars. christians and muslims are still fighting centuries later. so i would fuck you up if i ever crossed your path because you are an oppressor and an idiot. and the people who are non christian and feel the way i feel probably think you are too.
This is my reply Shaheel –
I prayed for you earlier.
You can curse me and threaten me and even if you were to kill me, I couldn’t deny Christ, nor can I stop sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
God bless you.
I’m so scared…..bring it.
All you have is anger, hatred & foul language to respond with, mixed in good measure with the ignorance you gained from your dabbling with all religions. What you said to me about having an opinion but not sharing it can be said about yourself too, but obviously that rule doesn’t apply to you because you are way too enlightened for a fool like me.
Who made Jesus God?
Is he not a guru who had 12 followers…and now millions of sheep like you?
Christianity is misleading and so too is all this baloney you wrote about, quoting from the bible which is the thoughts of mankind like you.
Please do deep thinking before writing deceptive things like this
I still say: Mata, Pita, Guru (including Jesus), Daivam.
If you ask “Who made Jesus God?”, it shows me that you are not familiar with Jesus or what He said/did, who He Himself said He is.
You can call Him a Guru if you like but He is much more than that. He Himself stated that He is God. Yes, He had 12 followers to start with and it has grown to billions of sheep, for that is who we are because Jesus is our Great Shepherd and I am glad to be called His sheep.
Is it your opinion that Christianity is misleading or can you present sufficient evidence and logical arguments to back that claim?
You call what I wrote baloney yet you have offered nothing but unsubstantiated opinions (that millions of others like you have stated before and unsuccessfully backed up) as your response to my so called baloney.
My Great Shepherd Jesus will continue to lead me and guide me and give me words to share with the world.
Who is leading you and guiding you but yourself?
Yes, you can still choose to say Mata (your human mother who is created by God), Pita (your human father created by God), Guru (your human teacher who is created by God) and Daivam (God/Jesus who is above all His creation) and stick to it, without accepting the fact that you have put the created beings above the Creator God.
You don’t have to accept what I have written, in fact, I suggest you read the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) to learn for yourself who Jesus truly is and what He did and said about Himself.
Your salvation, your eternity, depends on your relationship with Jesus. It has no bearing on my relationship with Him.
So if I say I am God…I become God. He is a Guru and nothing else. Christianity is another sect of HINDUISM, based on the guru belief of Hinduism
“So if I say I am God…I become God.” If that’s what you think Jesus did, once again, you show your utter ignorance of the Gospels. Why don’t you do yourself a favour and actually read the Gospels to learn who Jesus is, before making silly statements like this.
Jesus was born of a virgin. His birth was foretold centuries ago. Jesus didn’t just say He is God, but He backed it up with His actions and attitude. He healed the sick. He made the lame whole. He made the dumb speak. He made the deaf hear. He brought the dead to life. Then, He was crucified and killed, but He came back to life. This is just a tiny snapshot of an immeasurable life.
How many of the above applies to you?
“He is a Guru and nothing else.” Hinduism is rife with these so called gurus who have managed to fool so many people. These gurus come and go and are soon forgotten. Sai Baba was one such character. One barely hears about him now and in another 50 years, no one will care he existed, let alone what he said or did.
“Christianity is another sect of HINDUISM, based on the guru belief of Hinduism.” – Please tell me you are joking. If you were trying to make me LOL, you have succeeded. If you are being serious, wow, I feel sorry for you. I don’t think I have ever heard anyone make this absurd claim before. You should go to the press with it because it’s that ludicrous. That you would make a statement like this, once again shows your ignorance of the Bible and what it says about Jesus.
“YOU KNOW BETTER.” – I do know better. I know that Jesus isn’t just another guru like all the fakes who have come and gone before/after Him. If anything, He is the Guru of all gurus, but He is so much more than that. He is the Son of God, He is God Himself. If you read the Gospels, the New Testament as a whole, you would at least know what I was talking about. These aren’t my opinions, but the truth that is revealed in the Bible.
Jesus had 12 disciples/followers. If he was merely another guru, no one would know or care about Him now. Yet today, Jesus has billions who follow Him and worship Him as God. These are facts you can observe. All his disciples (except for Judas who betrayed Him and committed suicide out of guilt), sacrificed their lives because they were not willing to deny Jesus. From then until today, thousands of people continue to do the same, to die for their faith in Jesus than be bullied by extremists who persecute them. Don’t believe me? Go checkout I doubt you will because why would you care about truth/facts when you haven’t even read about Jesus in the Bible.
“JESUS WAS A MAN WHO DIED LIKE ALL OF US WILL.” – Jesus was a man and He did die, but unlike us, He is fully God and death couldn’t keep Him down, which is why after 3 days, He rose again from the grave.
Like a said before (something you conveniently ignored and instead chose to make all these silly statements), do yourself a favour and read the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) at least. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that God might take a hold of you and convict you of the truth about Jesus? If you choose to read the Bible, a word of advise: do it with humility, not for my sake, but yours.
I honestly don’t care if you like me or respect me or whatever. Jesus calls me to share about Him and point others to Him, which is what I have done. This isn’t about me. I pray you will come to know Jesus for who He is, that Jesus will come into your life and transform you from the inside and out, just as He did with me.
How do know that I didn’t read the books you mentioned? You are right…I did not just read them, I analysed them. They all have the same fairy tale bullshit.
One question: Who is the God that Jesus (the man) prayed to, not one but 3 times, in the garden of Gethsemane? Is He not the One that all men (including you) should seek, like Jesus did? You are a bullshitter, as all Christians preachers are. Get real, don’t be a hypocrite. You are a Hindu, Jesus was a Hindu, Christianity is A sect of Hinduism, and the whole world is Hindu. The Word of God is not the bible…the bible is the word of men. The books of Matthew, John, etc were written by multiple authors. Do analysis, you will find out that I am right. But it will not matter to you because you are lost in the sea of stupidity. There is no hope for you and for all Christians…you have all been wrongly predicting and awaiting (and rightfully so)the coming of a dead man, Jesus.
You show your true colours by using foul language to make your point.
Jesus is God the Son and He prayed to God His Father, not just three times, but throughout His life on Earth. If you actually read the Bible, at least the New Testament, you would know why Jesus did this. You must have missed it in your “analysis”.
You make me laugh with your “Christianity is a sect of Hinduism” joke.
Clearly, you are a Hindu supremacist (or whatever the likes of people like you are called) claiming that everything is Hindu.
I don’t know what you have analysed but I am sorry to say that it was a giant waste of your time because you don’t have an ounce of understanding of who Jesus is, why the Bible is unique and why billions have decided to follow Jesus, despite people like yourself continually making silly statements like you have been making in this comment thread. I would love for you to point to the resources you used in your “analysis”, if you can. In fact, I dare you to do so, to give me names of the books you read, the papers you read and whatever other evidence you can present. Chances are though, you will call me more names and will completely ignore this statement.
I wait for Jesus to return and WHEN He does, you can tell Him yourself what you think of Him.
You speak about Jesus like you know him personally. All i read is the ramblings of a religious fanatic who doesnt have anything to back his claims. Everytime some one outs you on this chain you attach a link to another website that a PERSON just like you wrote!!!!Your only defense to your claims are what you have read in the bible. If you were as intelligent as you think you are you would realise that you base your ideas and arguments on a text that is teaching you lifes lessons and should not be taken literally. Learn to respect other people and other religions. If you dont believe in Hinduism or any other religion well then yipeee good for you. Dont pass on your ignorance and lack of respect to others
I do know Jesus personally because I have a personal relationship with Him.
I share what I share (no matter the insults heaped at me) in the hopes that others will come to know Jesus as I do.
I pray Jesus will find you, as He did me, and that you will enjoy this personal relationship with Jesus, that I now enjoy.
God bless you.
Why so much fuss? You pray to Jesus, is very good. Keep it up.dont talk too much, if you are really a Christian, you must be humble.
Do you know, late Dr. Wayne dyer, who shows light to most pls life is also a Christian but he follow vivekanatha philosophy and live and mediate in his life. Do you know Joe vitaly from the secrets,he is also a Christian who wears a rudrathshra Mala and believe in Hindu teachings. Now what’s your problem, tambi.
Relax. Just because Jesus find you means you are really acting as you are so perfect. Relax.
We are all God made human what great about it.
Important, part is as a human being are you doing the right things to human society.
But whereas,you keep poking on your own Bible and disgracing yourself.
Are you trying to say, in the year of 2016,ppl don’t know about Jesus Christ. You think you are feeding milk to newborn babies in the name of Jesus Christ.
No no no,your thinking is wrong. Ppl know very well about Jesus Christ. Only thing they are keeping quiet, for its their own believes. You can talk so much and so many things for 24hrs.
Its up to the ppl, what they want to believe. No force.
At the same time, it’s not nice to compare with other religion, do not compare,you won’t get peace of mind.
So relax, be humble,speak less and before you talk please think, cos you are talking about love, you oso must know that you should give respect and love to other religion, as I hope you are doing that.
As you say, you were born as a Hindu, than Jesus find you in 2000(if I am not wrong)
Until you get to know Jesus,the great mighty God. You were look after by Hindu gods till 2000.
So, please be grateful and thankful to them,oso.hope you understand, if you really love Jesus.
You mention all these names and how they were Christian yet believed in Hindu teachings or wore something or the other?
My question to you is do you know Jesus and what He actually taught, as opposed to what you are seeing some so called Christians are doing and assuming that’s what Jesus taught?
Did you know that in John 14:6, Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Basically, Jesus said He is the ONLY way to God. So, I don’t care how many supposed Christians you talk about, if they contradict the teachings of Christ, they are not a Christian, pure and simple.
Why don’t you learn the basics about the Christian faith and what Jesus actually taught before you try to come and lecture me? I have peace in Christ, though you seem to assume that I don’t because I am “comparing religions”.
Love isn’t simply respecting other religions, it is upholding God and telling others the truth that if they don’t receive Christ, they will remain in their sins. I am not making this up, I am sharing what Jesus taught and the reason He came to earth.
Just because I didn’t know about Jesus till the year 2000, it doesn’t mean that He wasn’t God or that He wasn’t looking after me. What sort of nonsensical statement are you making? Jesus is who He says He is, irrespective of when I came to know about Him or what you or anyone else says about Him. So no, the Hindu gods did absolutely nothing to me or for me because they are not real. If according to you I am such a terrible person for what I am doing, why haven’t your Hindu gods done anything to me to stop me?
You mention love. Well, Jesus said this in John 14:15: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” So, I show my love to Him by keeping His teaching and sharing about Him with others. If you reject Christ, that is your choice but I have done what He has called me to do by boldly proclaiming Christ to you and everyone else.
I am not forcing you or anyone else to believe or accept Jesus but what I am trying to do is challenging people to examine their own beliefs and ask themselves why they believe what they believe and if what they believe is actually true.
Jesus came to die to save us all. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
Thank you…you are a thinking person.
Jay didn’t say Christ, he said Jehovah or God, the father.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:27-30
He created you in his image: so you, the Father and Jesus are one.
Hooray, hooray, hooray!!! SRINAIR IS GOD!!!
If that’s the best you can do, we are done here 🙂
I was thinking the same, Mr. Narrow minded. My time is too precious to waste with you.
Why are so narrow minded…Jesus is not the savior. He was never the way. He was never the truth….only God the father is all of this. Jesus is dead….quit this non-sensical though.
Oh Jesus died, but then He rose again and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father. You see, if you actually read the Bible, you would know this, but I’ll let you get on with your life thinking that I am narrow minded and just a fool.
There can only be one God , He does not need a helper.
God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit. The Trinity. One God.
Thank you too….this man is an idiot.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. – Matthew 5:11
Yes, this is what a wise man said before Jesus did…everything that Jesus said was learnt just like you learned your abc’s.
Please, please, please tell me who this wise man is that you are talking about. I suppose 2000 years is not enough for other people to expose Jesus as not the One who said this.
you are so CONFUSED……Jesus is not connected to this preached version of religion………that is why getting converted is never a fine idea…….it is so judgemental… have forgotten that Christ was love… forget the words to his mother at the cross………you forget who you were born from…..and where you have to go……..if you care to introspect you will not throw such immaturechallenges….please settle down to being a Human first ……and then think of dogma…..good luck
Jesus spoke at length about love but Jesus also spoke of so many things in the four Gospels and yet, you only mention what He said about His mother, while ignoring so many other things, like where He said He is God and worthy of worship. He also says I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through me? How do you interpret that because Jesus did not leave that up to interpretation. He said He was God and the Jews at the time wanted to stone Him.
Which Jesus are you referring to because if you take issue with what I have stated in this post, the Jesus in the Bible says many things that you’d be absolutely livid about.
If you are going to refute what I have stated and that too based on what you think the Bible says, please back it up with Scriptures.
On Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:03:54 +0530 “Disqus”
To you Jesus is an unknowkn face of a person who is the son of God….there are millions like you crying hoarse.. about scriptures that other people wrote …not Jesus….to me he is a friend from the time i was a baby…..he is real…..and so I connect with Him in ways preachers shouting hell fire and damnation never can…..please sit quietly and introspect what your relation ship to Him is……not words written by some semi literate patriachal beings …each who understood Christ in his own the limitation of his thought process and vocabulary… the way for your there is Only One Jesus….the man of Galilee….by the way I am not livid I can quote from the Bible as good as any one else….however spiritual arrogance that you possess is not what Jesus ever had or meant…..and that is a time bomg ticking to explode …..and what you say is the stuff fundamentalists are…what ever happened to the word Love????it does not figure in any of your rantings???
You: To you Jesus is an unknowkn face of a person who is the son of God….there are millions like you crying hoarse.. about scriptures that other people wrote …not Jesus
Me: So, who is this Jesus you are talking about, that you have known from the time you were a baby? Is it not the Jesus that the Bible talks about?
You: he is real…..and so I connect with Him in ways preachers shouting hell fire and damnation never can
Me: Yes, Jesus is real, the Jesus that the Bible is all about, both the Old Testament and the New Testament. What preachers preach, is there business. When I share about Jesus, I don’t want to just talk about His love, I also want to remind people that He is also a God who is just and will judge people in the end. The Bible is very clear about that.
You: please sit quietly and introspect what your relation ship to Him is……
Me: Clearly you haven’t read everything I have written or shared about my relationship with Christ, so, rather than judging me based on this one post, perhaps you should read my other posts as well.
You: not words written by some semi literate patriachal beings …each who understood Christ in his own the limitation of his thought process and vocabulary….
Me: I am assuming you are talking about the Bible here. Do realise that the Bible is God’s Word and John delcares that Jesus is the Word. So, to discard the Bible the way you have, is you basically discarding Jesus and instead, you have invented your own Jesus who is all love and nothing else. Do you know that God inspired the words and used people to write, but that they themselves did not create the Bible? This is why the Bible is called the inspired, inerrant Word of God.
You: by the way for your there is Only One Jesus….the man of Galilee….
Me: How many are supposed to be there? There is only One Jesus, the Son of God, as revealed in the Word of God, the Bible. Any other Jesus is a counterfeit.
You: by the way I am not livid I can quote from the Bible as good as any one else….
Me: Anyone can possess knowledge, but God alone gives wisdom. Quoting Scriptures and truly understanding them, are two very different things. There are plenty of scholars in the world who might know the Bible word for word but possess no understanding of the text.
You: however spiritual arrogance that you possess is not what Jesus ever had or meant
Me: There you go again, judging me, which of course you will deny. You have never met me and had a conversation with me face to face, known what I have gone through or are going through and have no clue about my ongoing relationship with Jesus. You have made these statements purely based on this post. I have never claimed to know everything about Jesus/the Bible and often, that’s the first thing I say.
You: and that is a time bomg ticking to explode
Me: Honestly, between you and me, it would seem that you are the one who has exploded, not me.
You: and what you say is the stuff fundamentalists are
Me: I honestly would like to know which Bible you read because it would seem that the Bible you read and the Bible I read aren’t the same. You say that I am a fundamentalist, yet every time I share from the Bible, I share the verses, considering their context, not just picking and choosing something so it suits me.
You: what ever happened to the word Love????it does not figure in any of your rantings???
Me: You call it rantings because all you want to hear is how much Jesus loves you and loves everyone else. Let’s have a look at a couple of things Jesus says in the Bible.
Matthew 7:21-23 – “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 13:36-43 – Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.” He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
In these and other instances, Jesus is warning His listeners then and those who have the Bible today, that without Him, eternal destruction is certain.
Yes, it was the Father’s love (John 3:16) that led to Jesus coming to earth but even there, God says that those who believe in Jesus will not perish, but have everlasting life.
As for me not taking about love, please read this:
I don’t want to deceive people by only talking about a “nice Jesus” and leave out the eternal consequences of not knowing Him or being in a relationship with Him. It’s not pleasant but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is called the Good News because Jesus saves people from the bad stuff they rightfully deserve.
On Wed, 21 Jan 2015 21:07:06 +0530 “Disqus”
First of all … No Offences guys..
I haven’t read the comments but read the blog!
I am God believer and follower..
I only care about the living beings not the religious bullshit crap..
In my honest opinion .. “RELIGIONS are BULLSHIT”.
No body knows what’s going to happen the next second….
Preaching’s from the Whatever religious Holy book are meant to teach one what’s good / What’s bad and absorb the good .. Not to argue on other irrelevant crap shit he/she says..
Every individual have their own opinions on whatever they think.. You think that Bible says that “God” is blah blah blah… then that’s good for you.
other people think that parents comes first that’s good for them..
Personally, I care about living things around me.. that’s what a real humanity mean… not about Bullshit God thing….
Pavan, thanks for reading the blog and choosing to leave a comment. I agree that no one should focus on religion because it is easy to get lost in religion or argue/fight over religion.
If you believe in God and follow Him, then it is logical to assume that you would want to live the way He wants you to live, be/behave the way He wants you to be and love others in a way that pleases Him, right?
As Christians, we believe the Bible as the Word of God, not merely as a religious holy book. In the Bible, God reveals to us about Himself and then gives us instructions about how He wants to live our lives, what He wants us to do, how He wants us to behave and treat each other and so on. Of course, it is in the Bible that we are told about who Jesus is and what He did on the cross and why He did it. It is through the Bible that we know we should put our trust and faith in Jesus. So, the Bible is very significant because it is all about God and if we didn’t have the Bible, everyone would be going around doing their own thing, believing whatever they want and creating their own rules/rituals, which is a simple definition for religion.
As a Christian, Jesus calls me to be in a relationship with Him, not follow the Christian religion!
All the religions in the world cannot be right because while they have some similarities, they also contradict each other, especially in the way they reveal God. Some religions have many gods where as others only have One God.
Thus, it becomes important to determine that if you are wanting to believe in and follow God, you would have to sincerely seek the truth out so that the God you end up believing and following, is the One true God.
I pray that Jesus will find you as He found me and that you will enjoy a wonderful relationship with Him, just as I do now.
Dear Writer
Everything that you have said above is your opinion, these are not facts. What gives you the right to say that the teachings of hinduism are incorrect? All you are doing is trying to debunk a religion that you grew up in. Why? Does Christianity teach you to go out and disrespect people who do not hold the same belief systems as yourself? I am proudly Hindu and i will never change and one of the reasons being is that Hinduism accepts everyone regardless of their race, color, creed or RELIGION. Obviously you have a reason for writing this article and it makes me wonder what it is? Do you have nothing better to do with your time than sit around and try to debunk another religion. So you saw the light? Did you really? Did you see God in his entity? What did he look like? Did he say dear Sri i am Jesus? Obviously you did not take the time to learn your religion when you were a hindu. maybe you should find something better to do with your time than trying to convert people into believing in your faith. My grandfather taught us to respect all religions accept them all as the truth. So i have read the bible and i have been to church and i have read other holy books too. I can sit here and quote texts from the bible and tell you what is wrong with it and i can tell you about some my experiences in churches and cell meetings. Every religion has its faults and questions but only ignorant, low IQ idiots like yourself try to cause rifts between people and spread hate and anger.
Go jump off a cliff and let me know if you were saved!!!!!
Dear Sanusha,
I am going to just address some of the things you mentioned in your response.
Obviously you have a reason for writing this article and it makes me wonder what it is? – I have written this not to disrespect anyone but to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, that He died for the sins of all (including your sins) so that those who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). What else would/could I gain from this? Money? Wealth? Power? Prestige?
My grandfather taught us to respect all religions accept them all as the truth. So i have read the bible and i have been to church and i have read other holy books too. – I am sorry but while I understand where your grandfather was coming from, I am surprised you agree with what he taught you (especially since you claim to have read all the holy books) because the Bible doesn’t completely agree with other religious texts (contradicting them even). Just because there are some similarities between what God says in the Bible and what other holy books say, it doesn’t mean they are the same and you should accept all of them as true.
but only ignorant, low IQ idiots like yourself try to cause rifts between people and spread hate and anger. Go jump off a cliff and let me know if you were saved!!!!! – Tell me, is this the extend of your love, that you would insult me with names and then ask me to kill myself?
You’re looking for reasons to justify your following of Christianity. Have faith and leave it at that. Do not scrutinise other beliefs to find flaws.
I decided to follow Jesus two years before I wrote this post. I used this prominent saying to highlight how far Hindus are away from the One true God, just as I once was. You can choose to see it any way you like but it doesn’t negate the real reason I wrote this piece: to encourage Hindus to seriously examine their faith and relationship with God and not leave it at what’s been handed down for generations.
good interpretation of Vedas as did by other Christian philosophers before as well who tried coin Aryans and to make Aryan as almost Europeans and super species with their Vedic religion good but not as good as Christians and then coin Dravidian who are superior in their own context who where corrupted buy Aryans…finally make Christianity the truth
..its individuals perspective , realisation self questioning and interpretations.. If you look everything in a Eurocentric or bible centric approach you are bound to misinterpret which was same mistake that previous philosophers did starting from maxmuller
all these roots to Vedas(knowledge books) which preface starts with reasoning “does supreme being exits? who am I”.. it goes on to describe every aspect of life from body, soul ,science,stars, medicine,constellations, reasoning, myths, drugs,death, cycle of life etc.. …from this many debates arguments, commentaries happened over centuries deriving various philosophies of Santana dharma…here are the list..
1. samkya – atheist practising specific ethics, rules, certain yoga
2. yoga – samkya with belief in supreme being Brahma(expanding universe) ..further religious practices are hata yoga, patanjali yoga,kundalini etc…
3. mimamsa – reach moksha with rituals, ethics and deeds
4. Vedanta -dual(dvaita brahma, self and body are different) , advaita non dual or monoesthic (one god every one has Brahma within), variations of above, Buddhism, Jainism, shaivism, Vaishnavism, monoesthic bhakthi or devotion( similar to Islam and Christianity) are sub philosophies.
5. Nyaya – who follow reasoning reality and inference, how to reason and how to deduce conclusion practical living which has different sutras
6. visheshika similar to nyaya but with subtle differences in teachings.infact atom was discovered by reasoning by one of the initial followers “kanada”..
so what you are comparing is just a very small atomic part of huge Santana Dharma which the British coined “Hinduism” later which is very complex to understand in the full breadth in one single lifetime..
everyone claiming to be holiest is ok, but holier than something else divides the world..why do you people use true , false..because your church teaches it..? Vedas teaches you to follow any of the philosophies..I can even derive your own based on your self experience.. Claiming exclusiveness will not help..
further truth is an affirmation telling “this” is “that” and we use our 5 senses to prove..which can be easily deceived..only rational thinking will lead to truth.. the less rational we are more radical we think… every man made religion has flaws, suppressing the knowledge and ignorance will not lead to truth…it is a just a matter of self realisation.. ✌
To conclude would just tell you learn Hebrew or Sanskrit to gain historic knowledge rather than justifying your sayings based on the western translated books..
Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts.
I have a few questions for you to consider:
1. Is there One God or many gods?
2. Is truth absolute or relative?
3. You said that “we use our 5 senses to prove..which can be easily deceived..only rational thinking will lead to truth”. Based on your own statement, all that you stated about “Santana Dharma” cannot be trusted, right?
The choice we (humanity) have is that either we believe Jesus is who He said He is or we don’t. Jesus didn’t add Himself to a list of options/possibilities/philosophies, He declared that He is the ONLY Way to God.
I have chosen to believe Jesus because God’s Spirit has given me the faith and the confidence to believe in the Son of God, the Saviour of the world who gives us the opportunity to atone for our sins and become right with God. I don’t believe because I was taught this truth by anyone or any group.
The question you have to ask yourself is “Am I a sinner?”, that is, a person who has sinned against God and therefore, has become an enemy of God because God cannot tolerate or excuse sin. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, which includes you. The Bible also says the wages of sin is death, not just a physical death but eternal separation from God. The Bible also says Jesus came so that we don’t have to die as God’s enemies but to live now and forever as God’s children.
God has given us free will and therefore, we can choose to accept, ignore or deny Jesus. I only share this so that others will consider Jesus.
All who have placed their trust and faith in Jesus belongs to God’s family. I don’t gain money or fame or any material benefits when other people become Christians, I just gain another family member.
So, my motives aren’t to claim any superiority over anyone or to insult/hate or anything like that, rather, it is to point people to Jesus and leave the rest with them.
God bless you.
Opinion from a born Hindu,
Dear Pastor,
I think that those who force others to change their religious belief is displaying arrogance, because what he/she is saying that GOD made a mistake having sent that individual into the wrong Home, to the wrong Parents with the wrong Religious belief/values –– So really! Are they correcting GOD’s mistake?
Then, if it is that easy to change one’s religious belief/religious values, then it should be very easy to remove oneself from their Parents, Siblings etc., and find new ones.… Is this what they call love?
One can say that they have changed their religious belief, but one cannot change the purity of the Soul which rules the heart/mind, therefore, GOD only accept those who are true to themselves.
Hinduism is not a religion, it is “A Way of Life” therefore, we do not have to, or do we try to change anyone’s belief, we uphold the sanctity of all religion and we dearly respect everyone.
Our parents are our divine earthly God “Maatru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava” (Honour your Mother as God, Honour your Father as God), and our principal belief is our way of life “Satya Sanatan Dharma Ki Jai (We Bow to truth and to the eternal law of moral conduct).
God Bless,
Sati Singh
Hi Sati,
Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment. I am not forcing anyone to change anything, rather, by writing what I have written, I am challenging EVERYONE to examine Jesus for themselves.
God created mankind perfectly but mankind sinned against God by disobeying Him in the Garden of Eden – which is the original sin. God didn’t make any mistakes, mankind did but God the Father sent Jesus the Son to make a way for mankind to be redeemed because mankind couldn’t do it on their own. Jesus died on the cross so that EVERYONE could become right with God.
Have you ever examined Jesus for yourself and by extension, what the Christian faith is all about? If you haven’t, whatever I explain in terms of sin and salvation as revealed in the Bible, would be foreign to you. I am not asking you to convert because that’s not my role/job. I am asking you/everyone to read about Jesus, who He is, what He said and why He came and to see what God reveals to each one.
I still love my parents and my siblings, though they don’t know Jesus. I pray for them that they will come to know Jesus like I do.
You described Hinduism as “a way of life” but did you know that in John 14:6, Jesus declared “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”? Jesus didn’t say He was a Way, He said He was THE Way, as in, the ONLY Way. I don’t have to convince you/anyone (it’s the Spirit of God who opens truth to people) but if you are never challenged to examine the Bible, how would you know what Jesus said, unless someone (like me) shared it with you? This is why I write articles like this.
Our parents are created by the LORD God but they are not equal to Him in any way. In the Bible, God has much to say about honouring parents but not once does He tell us to consider our parents equal to Him because they simply aren’t. I can love and honour my parents without giving them a “divine” status.
Jesus said He is the Truth as well. If you are for truth, then wouldn’t you be interested in examining this Jesus who claimed to be THE TRUTH?
I pray the LORD will reveal to you who Jesus is through His Holy Spirit. God bless you.
Dear Sri,
My maternal grandfather (Nana) and all his siblings, including his entire family, were decent and educated citizens. My great grand-parents and many other who were from India, went to Guyana SA in the late 1800’s, my grandfather and his siblings were educated under the British Education System, but because they were Hindus, they were not able to obtain decent jobs (e.g. enter the medical, teaching fields etc.) unless they accept Jesus or they (these highly educated individuals) must continue to follow in the footsteps of their parents and earn a living as farmers. However, for a very long while, people were no longer divided by religion, because they were able to return to what they were born into, after which Hindus, Christian, Muslim became one, respecting each other religion and celebrated together in Harmony…. Recently, missionaries are again beginning to divide people with their religious views forcing the younger generation to convert to their belief, using the name of Jesus to blackmail (especially the underprivileged) saying to them if you do not believe in Jesus we cannot help you…. I know enough about the teachings of Jesus, and I am very sure that his name is being used in vain, and using his name to enrich oneself is a SIN in itself. Whether one is a Christian, Hindu or Muslim – it is not right to use GOD’s name in vain to enrich oneself.
Please understand the English Language: I said “Hinduism is not a Religion, it is a way of life….
You quoted that Jesus declared in John 14.6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”? Therefore I ask the question, is Jesus God or the Son of God?
Did you know that these verses are in the Vedas, books which existed long before the bible? What Jesus said was exactly the same, only Shri Krishna declared in the Bhagavad Gita
a) I am the original source of all Spiritual and Material worlds. Everything emanates from me – Gita 10.8
b) I am the Supreme Ultimate Truth and the cause of all causes – Gita 7.7
c) Those who worship other Gods and those who worship them with faith, are actually worshipping me the “Father”, I am the receiver of all devotion – Gita 9.23
Therefore, in my opinion when Jesus said “one comes to the “Father” but through Me, he speaks of Krishna “The Father” who is before him and is the Source of all Creation.
I am not quite sure if I have explained myself to your standard, because in your response you are determined to convince others that your belief is TRUE and theirs is WRONG, unlike you, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, and I know much more about Jesus than you can ever explain to me – (For your information, these books were written by mankind – holy men who were highly intelligent and Spiritual, their intentions were not to divide, but to bring peace to all. All religion believe in the Supreme Being, and all religion teaches LOVE and PEACE which is the PATH to that Supreme Being. I pray that people will stop using Religion to Divide, instead use Religion to Unite.
“That Divine Supreme Being” has given us knowledge and wisdom to follow our own religious and spiritual path to find Peace (Shanti) and Contentment (Santosh), mankind has no right to intercede in the blessings of God.
Dear Sati,
There are many so-called “Christians” who use the Name of Jesus to line their pockets with money and gain fame. I am not one of those and I know that in His time, the LORD will deal with everyone who uses His Name in vain or to become rich or to gain fame. Anyone who tries to convert someone else by enticing them with material gifts or favours or instilling in them fear of consequences if they don’t (become Christians), those who do such things are not real Christians according to the Bible because not once did Jesus teach His followers to entice anyone into “converting to Christianity”.
You quoted me verses from the Gita, just as I have quoted you verses from the Bible. You stated your opinion that Jesus is speaking of Krishna. While you are entitled your opinion, I beg to differ, not based on my personal opinion but based on what the Bible (not the Gita) says. How can you take Jesus out of the Bible and then put Him within the context of the Gita (or any other religious text) when He doesn’t leave Himself or His teachings open to such interpretations? John 14:6 is about absolutes – THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. He wasn’t speaking about Krishna, He was speaking about Himself (I AM).
God used people through the Holy Spirit and used them to put His Word down, the Bible. You said that these people were “holy men who were highly intelligent and Spiritual”, except the Bible disagrees. Jesus chose fishermen as His disciples and even Saul the educated Pharisee who became Paul freely confessed in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5.
You asked if Jesus is God or the Son of God? If you knew enough about the teachings of Jesus (to quote you – “I know enough about the teachings of Jesus” and “I know much more about Jesus than you can ever explain to me”), you would know the answer – He is called the Son of God because He was born by the power of God the Holy Spirit in Mary, which is how He came into our world, as a man, so that He could die for the sins of the world. The Bible also teaches us that Jesus is God (John 1:1, John 8:58, Exodus 3:14, John 10:30, John 14:7-9). From these verses, it’s clear Jesus cannot be talking about Krishna. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – three Persons but One God – a profound mystery no one can fathom.
You said “All religion believe in the Supreme Being, and all religion teaches LOVE and PEACE which is the PATH to that Supreme Being.” Are you saying that Hinduism, Islam and Christianity all point to the same God? Are you saying that the holy books of these major rligions teach the same Truth? I am sorry to say but you are wrong in this matter. While there are some similarities, these religions are not the same and they are not speaking of the same “Supreme Being”. To assume that is being naive.
You said “all religion teaches LOVE and PEACE which is the PATH to that Supreme Being”. Jesus doesn’t. The Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches me about God’s love (John 3:16-17, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:8-9, 1 John 4:19), that Jesus is the source of PEACE (John 14:27), that we have no hope of salvation without Jesus (John 3:18, John 3:36), that Jesus is the ONLY Way (or PATH) to the Father (John 14:6). So, the Bible/Christianity isn’t the same as Hinduism or Islam.
The only thing I am determined to do is tell people about Jesus. I don’t want to fight or argue because that’s not what Jesus teaches me. I don’t/can’t hate anyone because that’s contradicting Jesus and His work in my life (though you will see a lot of hate in the comments to this article from people claiming to be loving).
Without the Holy Spirit of God, it is impossible for a person to understand their sinfulness and their need for Jesus. Jesus makes this clear in John 16:5-15.
I cannot convince you or anyone else to become a Christian through my own knowledge or efforts because it is impossible.
I share what I share in the hopes that the LORD will use it to bring others to Christ.
God bless you.
Dear Sri,
I ask the question: Is Jesus the son of God or is he, God? – I know the answer, but do you?
In the Gita – Krishna speaks of himself, not as a second or third party – HE SAID “I am the original source”….
Unhappy people are always trying to convince others that their way is the right way – The other day a young man and a young lady came to my door – First thing they said to me “WE HAVE FOUND JESUS” and we would like to share our experience with you – I was tempted to say…I am so sorry to hear that Jesus was lost however, it is good you found him – he is safe now…..
Engaging in converting one into believing that GOD is wrong and a mere human is right is a SIN in itself. Therefore, anyone (be it Hindu, Christian, Muslim etc.) who tries to convince another to change his/her religious belief is really spreading hate, distaste and disrespect for the other person and for their belief.
Many atheist do more good for mankind that those who go to church, temples, mosque etc., because they adhere to the simple rule of Serving the under-privilege and not the Churches.
1. MARTIN LUTHER KING: “Let the churches stop trying to outstrip each other in the number of their adherents, the size of its sanctuary, the abundance of wealth. If we must compete let us compete to see which can move toward the greatest attainment of TRUTH, the greatest service of the POOR, and the greatest salvation of the SOUL and BODIES of men.”
2. ROBERT G. INGERSOLL: “The HANDS that help are better far than LIPS that pray.”
3. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA: “No BEGGAR whom we have helped has ever owed a single cent to us; we owe everything to him because he has allowed us to exercise CHARITY on him.”
May you find yourself and with it comes Peace.
Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Dear Sati,
“I ask the question: Is Jesus the son of God or is he, God? – I know the answer, but do you?” – Fairly certain I have answered this question already in my responses to you and in many of my writings but for your benefit, I will state in plainly – When Jesus came to earth, He was called the Son of God but He IS the eternal unchanging God Almighty.
“Unhappy people are always trying to convince others that their way is the right way” – Do you have any evidence to back your assertion? How do you know this? For that matter, you know nothing about me but your statement implies that I am unhappy since you think I am trying to convert people. Your statement sounds like a huge, incorrect and unsubstantiated generalisation to me.
“The other day a young man and a young lady came to my door – First thing they said to me “WE HAVE FOUND JESUS” and we would like to share our experience with you – I was tempted to say…I am so sorry to hear that Jesus was lost however, it is good you found him – he is safe now…..” – Did you hear what you have to say or did you dismiss them entirely based on your thoughts and/or pre-conceived notions?
“Engaging in converting one into believing that GOD is wrong and a mere human is right is a SIN in itself. Therefore, anyone (be it Hindu, Christian, Muslim etc.) who tries to convince another to change his/her religious belief is really spreading hate, distaste and disrespect for the other person and for their belief.” – That sounds like another opinion. Besides, you keep fixated on conversion when the reality is that true conversion can only take place if the Spirit of God is at work in a person. I am not speaking about other religions, I am speaking about my faith in Jesus Christ, who tells His followers to SHARE His Good News (not convert people) with those we come across, with those who are willing to hear.
“Many atheist do more good for mankind that those who go to church, temples, mosque etc., because they adhere to the simple rule of Serving the under-privilege and not the Churches.” – Let me correct this statement for you. SOME Atheists do more good to mankind than SOME who go to places of worship. You seem to be making too many generalisations here without any shred of evidence to back up your claims. Going with your original statement, you give credit to many atheists but lump all people of faith who attend places of worship as being self-serving. Unless you know the lives of the individual and how they live out their faith, you have no right to make such claims. As a real follower of Jesus, I know I cannot make any sort of generalisations about any group because to the LORD, each person matters.
Why did you share those quotes from those individuals? Once again, you insinuate that I am merely writing these articles (committing sin, in your opinion) when I should be helping people? You don’t know anything about me, save what you’ve assumed from this article (maybe others) I’ve written. You don’t have a clue about my personal life, what I do on a daily basis, how I live out my faith. I don’t need to brag or boast because Jesus had this to say in Matthew 6:1-4.
Notice Jesus said “when you give to the poor”? Jesus teaches us to serve others because that’s exactly what He did when He lived down here and by dying on the cross for our sins, He expressed the greatest act of service and love we could ever receive. Those who place their trust and faith in Jesus are blessed with the Spirit of Christ (the Holy Spirit). The Holy Spirit then leads and guides all believers to do that which is impossible for human beings to do on their own (truly doing good to others out of love).
This same truth (faith that is complemented by actions) is also taught in James 2:14-26.
Because Jesus loves me, because I have placed my trust and faith in Him, I have His Holy Spirit who helps me to abstain from my sinful flesh that I cannot control on my own strength and instead, I am filled with the fruits of His Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. See Galatians 5:19-22.
I pray that you will come to know the immeasurable love of God for you in Jesus Christ, as I have and do.
God bless you.
I pray that you will come to know the immeasurable love of Hinduism in which you were born into – GOD is never wrong, MANKIND is wrong to SELL their belief…
May Shiva Bhagwan Guide on the right path so that you find yourself and your Identity.
Shiva’s Blessings
Hey Sati, it’s clear from what you’ve shared that you don’t mean what you say but no matter how much you ridicule me, nothing will change the fact that Jesus is God who came to earth born of a virgin, lived amongst us, was Himself sinless but died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of God the Father and will one day return to judge everyone. Sri
First of all, the writer ( I don’t think he converted to Christian from a Hindu family) never understood the meaning of Matha, Pita, Gurur Daivam… He interpret Daivam as a myth rather it is self. Every religion has got its own beauty and this guy doesn’t learnt Hinduism or Christianity well. He become mad due to some belief and started bluffing things. so best to neglect those guys and keep doing good things for self and others.
Manoj, I was born a Hindu and became a Christian when I gave my life to Christ. My name remains Srikanth Nair. On what basis are you making the claim “I don’t think he converted to Christian from a Hindu family”? None.
Manoj, you said: “He interpret Daivam as a myth rather it is self.” Here’s the meaning of Daivam: So, based on fact (not opinion), you are wrong again.
Manoj, you state: “He become mad due to some belief and started bluffing things.” Again, a statement built on nothing. You are upset because I have clearly stated truth, truth that contradicts how you were raised on your feelings.
Instead of getting upset at me, why don’t you examine Jesus for yourself, learn the truth and find freedom and the real meaning of life in Him?
Wow that’s the longest I’ve ever scrolled!
Great points Sri – God bless you. I found this site after asking Google why Hindus think this – God 4th. I’ve only been a Christian for a couple of years – God has shown me signs as undoubted truth. I met one Hindu that told me that mother was number 1 because without her he would not be here. I told him without God his mum would not be here – it was a wow moment for him – he said Oh yeah in a nice moment of realisation 🙂 I just today asked another Hindu why God is 4th and he gave the same answer – without the mother. I gave him some responses to it and he tried to explain it in an analogy using 4 chocolates offered to a child. After I refuted this he tried to say it’s not about numbers but it was he who said 1st mother, father, teacher and God. It was in a good friendly exchange. I’ve left it with him and I look forward to his response.
God bless you all.
Hi David, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I’m glad you found this post helpful. I pray that the LORD will continue to setup these divine appointments so that you’ll be able to share about Jesus with those who don’t know Him. God bless you!
I’ll be wasting my time if i start debating with you on hinduism vis a vis xtianity. Who’s written bible anyway? You know how many additions, edits and alterations have been made on that? Pity its followers..
This is a perfect example of a weak drive by comment 🙂 The email address is attached to a domain name that’s not active, which means that this email address is possibly fake. This individual implies it’s pointless to debate about Hinduism vs Christianity but in actuality, don’t have the courage to do so, nor are they equipped to engage in a serious debate (which I am not interested in to begin with). Who wrote the Bible? God inspired multiple human authors over a span of 1500 years to compose what we know today as the Bible. God wrote the Bible using human authors, which is why the Bible is called the inspired Word of God. In terms of the accuracy of the Bible, this is determined by the manuscript evidence, which the Bible has plenty of. So, if you make a statement of assumption without any facts (as you have), then it must be thoroughly dismissed as an unfounded opinion. Here’s a quick video about the manuscript evidence for the accuracy of the Bible, if you are interested in facts: This isn’t about Hinduism vs Christianity, rather, it is about who Jesus is and why EVERYONE (including you), needs to place their trust and faith in Him for forgiveness of your sins and salvation!