Page Manager for Windows Phone – V 2.2.1 – Errors

While there are a handful of new features planned for Page Manager on Windows Phone, I am currently not working on any of them because of the following issues that have been giving users grief!

All these errors have come up when users are trying to upload pictures.

Windows Phone 7.5

  • Hashcode: [-530760630] : [ExceptionMessage]:[Operation not permitted on IsolatedStorageFileStream.] COMMON
  • Hashcode: [-1715298635]: [ExceptionMessage]:[KeyNotFoundException] RARE

Windows Phone 8

  • Hashcode: [-1518110413]
    • [ExceptionMessage]:[[IsolatedStorage_Operation_ISFS] COMMON
    • [ExceptionMessage]:[Operation not permitted on IsolatedStorageFileStream.] COMMON
  • Hashcode: [-793345826] : [ExceptionMessage]:[The given key was not present in the dictionary.] RARE

I have searched the Internet, found a few things here and there, but nothing that will help me eliminate the more common errors that the users are reporting.

Could one of the more experienced Windows Phone developers out there lend me a hand?



Thank Sri :)Thank Sri 🙂

2 thoughts on “Page Manager for Windows Phone – V 2.2.1 – Errors”

  1. The IsolatedStorageFileStream exceptions sound like trying to concurrently access the same file. Try synchronizing access to files, specify correct File options (Like ReadWrite) when opening a file, dispose/close the streams after usage etc


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