On occasion, I tweet about helping businesses/developers but decided that it was time I wrote a post about it. It would give me a chance to explain my thoughts a bit more and not be limited by 140 characters 🙂
[box] Disclaimer: I’m not an expert at anything, but I know a little about a few things. Also, I don’t work for Microsoft or Nokia or represent them.[/box]
Simply put, if you are a business or developer targeting the Windows Phone 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Azure or Web platform, I’d like to lend a hand.
Whatever stage you are in developing your app(s) or solution(s), if you are stuck for whatever reason, just reach out and I’ll see what I can do to help.
For example, you might be stuck as you plan your app/solution or need someone to brainstorm ideas with or it might even be a development related question that you don’t feel like asking in the forum or it might be something to do with the UI or testing your app/solution or ideas on how to market it: whatever the case may be, I’d love to try and help you.
I’m not promising any miracles or a solution to every problem. All I’m saying is that you are not alone and that you can reach out if you need any sort of help.
I love to help others and even though I am not able to develop apps at the moment, I would like to help others who are and see you succeed. The tech community has given me so much and I am always looking for ways to give back.
Also, as a Nokia Developer Champion, I have tried to help the Windows Phone developer community in my own ways and while I am unable to be active on the forums to answer developer questions or write Wiki articles, I would like to do whatever else I can to serve the community and I believe this is one way I can do that.
It’s no secret that I am a fan of both Microsoft and Nokia, so I’m keen to help those who are building with/on tools/platforms/devices from these companies.
Nothing. It will cost you nothing to reach out to me and engage with me.
I may be able to help you in some way or I may not. You won’t know until you try.
You can email me sri at srikanthnair dot com or you can find me on Skype by searching on the same email address. You can also connect with me on Twitter (@SrikanthNair) or LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/srikanthnair). If you email me or Skype me or tweet me or LinkedIn me,if I don’t back to you immediately, it doesn’t mean that I’m trying to blow you off. I will get back to you and won’t leave you hanging.
Thanks for reading.