As I mentioned in my previous posts, I have decided to share more about myself in a new series of posts called “Sri Unplugged”.
I have no idea how many of you will watch these videos, but I am putting these out there because I believe that for those of you who truly care about me, despite time, distance and circumstanceseparatingng us, it will be another way for you to remain close to me and to know what’s going on in me/my life and to never be disconnected with me.
I would like to think that there are a handful of you who truly love me and want to know what’s happening with me. Do know that this is a two way street – I too would like to remain close and connected with you IF YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO. After my relationship with Christ, what I cherish and value most are my relationships with people – be it family or friends.
Anyways, I hope you watch these videos and I pray that it will help us to draw nearer to one another and cause you to reflect and think deep about who YOU are and what makes YOU tick.