Sri Unplugged # 2 – Same Sex Marriage

I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Over the last few days, I was engaged in debates with same sex marriage supporters on the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Facebook page. This video is a result of some of the exchanges …

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Brisbane: From God's house to Pancake Cafe!

A video that shows what was once a Church in the heart of Brisbane, turned into a Pancake Cafe! “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7). We the faithful in Christ cannot be naive. Let us continue to stand firm in …

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Amy Winehouse (1983 – 2011)

This morning, as I was checking the news, I learned of her passing at the young age of 27. It made me sad. In terms of her music, I was not an Amy Winehouse fan. But, I am almost certain that at some point in time, I may have listened to …

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