Thank you and farewell 2012

2012 has been quite a year. I got married to a beautiful, wonderful and God-fearing woman in Amanda Caroline Nair. For those interested in seeing the pictures and videos from our big day, please visit God has been gracious towards both of us because He has allowed Amanda to …

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Merry Christmas

Jesus on the Cross

Christmas is nearly here 🙂 Almost everywhere, we can see Santa, the reindeer, a few elves, Christmas presents, mistletoe – everything that Christmas is all about, to most people. Where’s Jesus? Jesus? Jesus who? Jesus Christ that’s who. Oh? Who is Jesus? Glad you asked. You see, Christmas is not about Santa …

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Jesus: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

Was Jesus a liar, a lunatic (crazy person) or really who He said He was, that is Lord and God? Listen to a sermon on this topic by Pastor John McArthur