Cornerstone – S4 E2 – Pride Goes Before Destruction

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18 We can either humble ourselves before the LORD OR reject Jesus and live in pride. One leads to everlasting life, the other leads to destruction. Only the Holy Spirit can help us recognise the sinners we are …

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Reflection on Daniel 4:1-37

Srikanth A Nair - Reflection on Daniel 4 verses 1-37

Introduction It has been so long since I have written anything on my site and I must admit that even as I type these words out, a part of me is trying to find reasons not to do it. If you come across this post and it encourages or challenges …

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Pride, the universal predator

Remember the maxim: He who excuses himself accuses himself”! But when the Lord is given mastery in our lives He leads us into (His) Light, Life, Liberty and Love for there was no pride found in Him. Unless we are acutely aware of the ever-present presence of PRIDE in our …

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