This is day five (day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4) and the final day of the thankfulness challenge.
It has been good to take this opportunity to stop and reflect on things to be grateful for, rather than go through the normal routine of stressing over the issues/worries of life, completely forgetting all the blessings I enjoy on a regular basis.
Today, I want to express my thankfulness for the following.
[box]My Challenges and Struggles[/box]
I may not enjoy them but I am thankful for the challenges and struggles that God allows me to go through. It allows the Holy Spirit to work in me, to help me grow in my faith, teach me to persevere and endure, and to depend on Jesus for strength to press on and the peace to keep me calm and focused. If it wasn’t for them, I know I would be lethargic and complacent, taking Jesus for granted and my faith would just be a label I wear, lacking in substance. My challenges and struggles don’t turn me away from God, but causes me to desperately hold on to Jesus.
[box]My Past[/box]
I have done a lot of wrong thinks and made a lot of mistakes. I am not proud of this but I am thankful for all that I have gone through because I know that I wouldn’t be the person I am and where I am today, if it wasn’t for my past and how God used it to shape me. I haven’t forgotten any of it but nor do I dwell on it in such a manner that it robs me of my joy and peace today.
[box]My Future[/box]
I don’t have a crystal ball, nor have I consulted any astrologers or palm readers to know what my future is but I am thankful for it nevertheless. I can have this attitude of gratitude about my unknown future because of Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus challenges me to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and promises me that He will take care of the rest. I don’t have to worry about anything because I trust Jesus to take care of me. This doesn’t mean that I don’t work or anything like that, it just means that as I go about my daily life, I don’t have to worry about tomorrow by making plans to advance in my career or invest my money and so on, the kind of things most people worry about, especially in light of their future.
[box type=”info”] Challenge Complete [/box]
I can only pray that throughout this thankfulness challenge and from what I have shared, you would have seen Jesus at work in my life, blessing me with all I need and a thankful heart to go with it all.
If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then I encourage you to keep pursuing Him with all you’ve got.
If you’re not a follower of Jesus and would like to know more about Him and what it means to have a relationship with Him, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
God bless you.