A busy time for me. Most of the family decided to read me through this year. They have kept me busy for the past two weeks. Now they have forgotten me! Other things took my place especially T.V. and their sports program.
Clean-up time. I was dusted yesterday and put in my place. My owner did use me a few minutes last week. He had been in an argument about worldliness and was looking up some references on the subject for he knew I had the answers.
I had a busy day the first of the month. My owner was appointed leader of a group and used me a little. I went to Church for the first time this year. It was Easter Sunday.
Grandpa visited me. He kept me on his lap reading. He read 1st Corinthians for an hour. He seems to think more of me now than he did when he was younger. He read chapter 13 aloud to his Grand-daughter who was recently engaged.
I have a few green stains on my pages! Had some early spring flowers pressed in me before they were properly dried otherwise I was not consulted.
I look like a scrapbook! They stuffed me full of newspaper clippings of a wedding. The Grand-daughter was married.
They put me in a suitcase today. I guess we are off on a vacation. I wish I could stay home because I will have to stay in this case for a month and its dark inside! I never see the light of day. July was a very dark month for me!
Still in the suitcase! Nobody seems to want me even though I have a message of Light!
Back in my place where I rest seldom to be disturbed! Have a lot of company, however, two “True Stories” and four comic books are placed on top of me. My! I wish I was read as much as they are! They are forever consulting their T.V. program – not me!
They used me a little today. One of them was very sick and they read Psalm 23 to comfort him. Right now I am all dusted up and in the centre of the table. I think a preacher is coming! I seem to impress people though they don’t consult me!
Back to my usual place. I was opened as they checked some religious articles enclosed without opening MY pages. One of the children picked me up and asked, “Is this a Scrapbook”? Their parents laughed but made no comment.
They’re getting ready for Christmas, so I’ll a soon be covered up with packages and wrapping paper. They will sing some carols, and, perhaps read the Christmas story. Perhaps!
Adapted by Ralph R. Read