Found this little duckling one morning while visiting Amanda’s parents, stuck in the pool, desperately trying to get out, it’s cries of despair, fueled by fear, filling the air.
As I was doing my Bible reading at the time, the first thought that came to my mind was how those who don’t know God and don’t trust or believe in Jesus, are just like this little duckling.
Those who don’t believe, like the little duckling, will keep going round and round, trying to find a way out, not wanting to accept the reality that they cannot save themselves.
Can you relate to this little duckling? Are you trapped in your own life? Are you trying to get out, but not getting anywhere?
Eventually, like the little duckling, you too will get very tired and discouraged and give up hope and fade away, unless you trust someone bigger than you, stronger than you, someone who loves you and cares for you so much that He died for you. That someone is Jesus!
Turn to Jesus today. He came to rescue us all from certain death.
He will rescue you.
Stay tuned for part 2 🙂