Judah came into the world in 2013 and since then, my wife and I have been doing our best to raise him right. Personally, nothing is more important than that, which is why there has not been any news or updates of Page Manager.
At present, besides my responsibilities as a husband and father, I am also trying to sort out passport and visa issues so that I can remain in Australia with my wife and son.
I don’t believe I owe anyone an explanation but I’m choosing to share this with those who’d like/care to know.
Am I done with Page Manager? No.
Is Page Manager dead? No.
Am I done with Windows Phone development? No.
I’m hoping to get back into everything soon. My hiatus from development has meant that I will need to brush up on a few things. Microsoft is getting ready to release Windows Phone 8.1 and with it, updated tools for developers, which is exciting.
Considering that I took time off from Windows Phone development to to take care of my family, I have no regrets. While I was thrilled at being selected as a Nokia Developer Champion and have done my best to help the community in my own ways, I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to do much more in that role.
Page Manager has always been and will always be my baby. It was never about the money or popularity. I created the app to meet a need but more importantly, as a way for me to learn. I plan on resuming work on it soon.
I also have plans to work on a few new apps, so I’m looking forward to that as well. I might even find some time to do Windows 8 development 😉
Thanks for your support and thanks for reading.