Everyone has a reason for doing social media.
Like most, I use social media to share information, reveal tidbits about my life, for networking, participating in contests/promotions and so on.
When I’m not going on about Microsoft or Nokia (yes, I’m a big fan of both), when I’m not singing praises of Windows Phone or Windows 8 (yes, I believe in both and am excited about them), when I’m not talking about development or encouraging developers (development is a passion), when I’m not speaking geek (because I’m one!), I share about things that I believe matters to everyone, irrespective of whether they’re a geek or not.
I am passionate about people.
I like to get to know them and learn about them. Everyone has a story and it’s amazing what you learn, when you take the time to really listen to a person.
When I share something through social media, my desire is that those who read it, will reflect on what I’ve shared and be challenged and encouraged by it.
Real change in a person cannot come about merely from the words they hear or read. What is heard/read, has to be processed. The result is a transformation that takes place in their mind and heart (no, I’m not talking about the physical heart). Anyone who thinks that this doesn’t apply to them, is deluded and blind. Everyone has room for growing and maturing as a person.
Quite often, I see individuals attacking others on social media. Rather than point out a person’s flaws and ridicule them or mock them, my desire is to help such individuals overcome those very things that people use against them. I want to walk alongside people, help them cultivate a humble and teachable attitude within themselves, and in their own time, gain victories in those areas that they’ve struggled with.
Social media has paved a way for us to connect with people all over the world. It has given us an opportunity to get even closer.
I believe that it’s a great medium for us to help and serve one another and that’s why I do social media.
Thanks for reading.