Introduction (from (@D4Meetup)
Are you a developer? Are you a designer? Are you a dreamer? Are you daring? Are you based in Brisbane?
If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions, then this meetup may be for you! I don’t know about you but I have many ideas and dreams and I’m tired of doing nothing with them! I want to see them come to life and I hope that the same is true for you.
What about you? Do you want to just keep dreaming and coming up with ideas but do nothing about them? I say we meet up and encourage one another, challenge one another and help one another to bring each of our dreams/ideas to life, one at a time.
So, if you have a dream/idea for an app/game/service for Windows 8 or Windows Phone or for the Web, be daring, step out and take a chance to meet up with fellow developers/designers/dreamers like you! The results might astound us all!
Perhaps, none of the above applies to you but you just want to come alongside others and help them, mentor them, motivate them, to achieve their dreams/goals in creating awesome apps.
Take a step of faith. Who knows where it will lead you.
Why am I so keen to get this meetup going?
I have many ideas. In fact, on my Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone (shameless plug), I have a OneNote document called “My Ideas”. All it consists of are my app ideas (including those with web front ends) that I have come up with over time. I get ideas all the time. You could say that I am an idea machine 🙂 While the document has grown long, only one of those ideas, Page Manager for Windows Phone, has come to life. Now, I am not naive enough or arrogant enough to think that all my ideas are brilliant million dollar opportunities, but I believe that a number of them have great potential. I don’t know what you think, but personally, this is a sad situation.
Over the years (long before Windows Phone and Windows 8), I have put together a few awesome solutions (some of which, believe it or not, are now very popular!) that never saw the light of day besides the paper on which it was drawn up on. I don’t want this to keep repeating in my life.
The problem is that I don’t get a lot of time, nor do I have the resources (skilled people, money etc..), to work on these ideas to bring them to life.
I know that I am not the only person for whom this is true. At least I hope I am not the only one 🙂
With Windows Phone and now Windows 8, I genuinely believe in the huge potential that is right before us folks. I am not saying that all of us will become millionaires, but I do believe that the right ideas executed the right way, can have incredible returns attached to it. Nearly a billion PC’s run Microsoft Windows OS. Currently, there are over 670 million Windows 7 licenses out there. According to Gartner, in the next 3 years, most people will be browsing the web from a mobile device (including tablets) than a desktop PC. Folks, if this is the space you earn your living in, then you better get started and do something or sit back and wait for someone else to come up with your idea and make something of it. Your call.
What do I hope this meetup will achieve?
My hope is that people in Brisbane and all across Australia (and around the world if others believe in this idea) with a similar story like mine, will come together to support/encourage/challenge/work together with one another to do that which is impossible for each one of us to do on our own.
I am not the greatest designer/developer on the planet. Nearly everything I know, I have learned from searching on the Internet, reading posts by those more skilled than me, reading MSDN articles, trying out sample apps, watching videos and so on. I am sure that many others echo this journey.
Imagine what would happen, if we were to come together, try to help one another, bring ideas to life and share in the spoils? Imagine how much we would learn and grow?
I would much prefer that than to see my ideas die without ever seeing the light of day.
What can you hope to get out of this meetup?
I cannot speak for everyone else who is part of this meetup now or will join us in the future, but as the leader/organiser of this group, you can expect the following from me:
- I will help you in whatever (reasonable) way I can.
- I will encourage you.
- I will motivate you.
- I will challenge you.
- I will share my knowledge (as limited as it may be) with you.
- I will teach you whatever I know.
- I will do all that I can to help you reach your potential.
- I will connect you with those who can help you go further and reach greater heights.
What can you do to help?
I don’t know who you are, but here are some ways you can help.
If you are Microsoft or someone who works for Microsoft, you can help us by doing whatever you can (or are allowed to or able to) to help us as a group. You could provide us a space to meet together. You could spare some of your best and brightest to come and talk to us. You could encourage us and motivate us in so many ways. Ultimately, our success is your success.
If you are not Microsoft, but like what we are doing and think you can help/contribute, then please get in touch with me via Twitter (@SrikanthNairPro) or by email (sri-at-srikanthnair-dot-com).
You could just help us by spreading the word about us and encouraging us and that would be very awesome too!
Who this meetup may not be for!
With all due respective to all other platforms and folks who work on those platforms, this meetup is for those working on Microsoft technologies, specifically Windows Phone, Windows 8, ASP.Net and Azure to name a few. So, if you don’t fall into any of those or don’t have a liking/passion for any of those, then I am afraid this meetup may not be for you.
If you are the type of person who thinks too highly of yourself and think that everyone else is slow or will slow you down, then this meetup and concept is not for you.
If you are a lazy person or have an all take and no give attitude, then please don’t bother joining.
If you are wanting to steal ideas and screw people over, then this meetup is not for you and I won’t tolerate such attitude even for a moment.
This was not an overly long post, but if you have come this far, thank you for reading.
I hope it was informative and useful and gives you a bit more insight into this meetup and what I have in my heart concerning it.
I look forward with hope to what this meetup could achieve.
I cannot do it alone.
Dream. Design. Develop. Deliver.
I dare you.
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