“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-12
[box type=”warning”] This post contains strong language. Not recommended for children.[/box]
I wanted to share the exchanges that I have been having with a person named Shaeel Singh, in response to my post “Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam (Mother, Father, Teacher, God)”
I will copy and paste the text, make a few observations and you can draw whatever conclusions you like.
Shaheel’s initial comment.
check this out quickly…just a few points to play around with your biased opinions.
*you can never see the bigger picture if you get to deep, you will miss al ot of heavenly glory which lies above your pettiness.
*everything in the world evolves for 2 reasons ie adaption for survival and/ or convenience.
*human nature dictates our need to differentiate ourselves which results in segregation.
*Nature dictates our need to gain control and power over other things or people.
*Religion is a man made concept
*nothing in any religion worth proving can be proven as fact.
-You know not what you speak off. that is fact.
*unless it can be mathematically/ scientifically proven, anything in this world being discussed is kind of like gossip.
*human beings need to believe in something to compensate for all the unanswered questions and need to have faith in that or else we are just monkeys and we have already passed that stage.
*Hinduisim was the first “religion”.
*indians had an important role to play in mathematics, science, astrology and astronomy 1000s of years ago when the world knew little to nothing. which means they observed and gained understanding of the world.
*there are only a few BASIC truths/ principles that encompass the world and which can be applied from the lowest to the highest level and still the theory will be proven correct.
now…. there was once a group of people from a long line of others who learnt to make fire( survival and convenience). these people then learnt to communicate. these people then started to think. they observed, analyzed, used trial and error, found common dinominators and saw patterns. all the while asking themselves simple questions for example what are we, firstly, and what do we become when we seize to exist, what lies above the sky, is there anyone else there, how does it all fit together, given all the answers or not which they could create they now look at our behaviour and interaction with each other and the world we live in and what actions would bring the best possible outcomes in our lives. they devised stories which taught lessons on what they thought is right and/ or good to preserve the world and live in harmony. (they saw that everything works in harmony even destruction). time passes and more people start to take an interest, people congregate to discuss and share. a religion is formed. centuries pass. a foreign crowd stumble upon this religion. they are interested, amazed and curious. they see and understand what is being taught. evolution hits. they see that belief in something gives people strength (survival) and a way to answer all the unanswered questions. they also see that they can take these teachings and make their own religion (convenience). they begin to draw up their own religion and on the way this ideology of religion becomes twarted. human nature kicks in, control and power. certain points are taken out and added in. commands are given and other points are tweeked for convenience or the need to be unique. this religion is stumbled upon by another crowd and the same thing happens.
do you see where i am going with this. your religion should be god and nature. even if you dont know who god is, you need something to believe in. do not make the concept of religion your religion. you do not need company in your religion. you have faith in god i see but saying that hinduism is wrong and christ is the only one means that you also have faith in gossip. therefore you are not credible. and also not very clued up or wise. intelligence is when you can take what you have learned and apply it correctly. you haven’t learned much and cant apply what u have learned correctly. you were not there on the ark holding noahs hand or when moses spoke to a burning bush. so stop getting caught up in the gossip.
my question to you is…Who will right the next version of the bible????? and where will he/she get their material?????
Also, Neslon Mandela freed his people…would you call him the son of good and worship him as you do Christ?
My response. I responded to portions of his comments to make it easier, so keep that in mind as you read.
I have tried to go point by point in your reply. Truth be told though, I’m not sure if you have ever read the Bible or read about the Christian faith or who Jesus is because if you did, you wouldn’t have made half the statements you made.
check this out quickly…just a few points to play around with your biased opinions. – I was born into the Hindu faith and lived it for a long time before I came to know Christ.
*you can never see the bigger picture if you get to deep, you will miss al ot of heavenly glory which lies above your pettiness. – Same can be said about your birds eye view of religion.
*everything in the world evolves for 2 reasons ie adaption for survival and/ or convenience. – According to who? You? Or some “expert” you are paraphrasing?
*human nature dictates our need to differentiate ourselves which results in segregation. – Again, is this your expert opinion or are you borrowing from someone else?
*Nature dictates our need to gain control and power over other things or people. – See my comment above.
*Religion is a man made concept – Yes religion is, but the true Christian faith that I speak of is about relationship with Jesus.
*nothing in any religion worth proving can be proven as fact. – Have you researched this or are you making another blanket statement?
-You know not what you speak off. that is fact.
*unless it can be mathematically/ scientifically proven, anything in this world being discussed is kind of like gossip. – Do you even know the definition of gossip? Eye witness accounts that are passed through generations qualify as fact, not gossip.
*human beings need to believe in something to compensate for all the unanswered questions and need to have faith in that or else we are just monkeys and we have already passed that stage. – This may be true of other religions but not the Christian faith.
*Hinduisim was the first “religion”. – First doesn’t make it right or true.
*indians had an important role to play in mathematics, science, astrology and astronomy 1000s of years ago when the world knew little to nothing. which means they observed and gained understanding of the world. – I never disagreed or denied this. God can use anyone anywhere.
*there are only a few BASIC truths/ principles that encompass the world and which can be applied from the lowest to the highest level and still the theory will be proven correct. – Who came up with these “BASIC truths/principles”?
now…. there was once a group of people from a long line of others who learnt to make fire( survival and convenience). these people then learnt to communicate. these people then started to think. they observed, analyzed, used trial and error, found common dinominators and saw patterns. all the while asking themselves simple questions for example what are we, firstly, and what do we become when we seize to exist, what lies above the sky, is there anyone else there, how does it all fit together, given all the answers or not which they could create they now look at our behaviour and interaction with each other and the world we live in and what actions would bring the best possible outcomes in our lives. they devised stories which taught lessons on what they thought is right and/ or good to preserve the world and live in harmony. (they saw that everything works in harmony even destruction). time passes and more people start to take an interest, people congregate to discuss and share. a religion is formed. centuries pass. a foreign crowd stumble upon this religion. they are interested, amazed and curious. they see and understand what is being taught. evolution hits. they see that belief in something gives people strength (survival) and a way to answer all the unanswered questions. they also see that they can take these teachings and make their own religion (convenience). they begin to draw up their own religion and on the way this ideology of religion becomes twarted. human nature kicks in, control and power. certain points are taken out and added in. commands are given and other points are tweeked for convenience or the need to be unique. this religion is stumbled upon by another crowd and the same thing happens. – The Bible has more manuscripts than any other literature. From the earliest disciples until today, Jesus followers have given up their life for Him, because of their faith in Him. Have you ever read the Bible? Do you know the what and the why of the Bible? What you have taken the pains to explain isn’t what the Bible is about.
do you see where i am going with this. your religion should be god and nature. – God created all things. Worship the Creator, not the created, which is what idol worship is.
even if you dont know who god is, you need something to believe in. – Who are you talking about? I don’t believe in Jesus because I need something to believe in.
do not make the concept of religion your religion. – Again, I have no interest in religion. Religion isn’t the same as relationship with Jesus. If you don’t understand this, go learn what it means before you write such replies.
you do not need company in your religion. – This is not about “company” but spreading the Good News about Jesus so that people can make a decison for themselves. This is not a club that I need company.
you have faith in god i see but saying that hinduism is wrong and christ is the only one means that you also have faith in gossip. – Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” I didn’t make it up. Do you honestly think that over 2 billion people have trusted in Christ over a mere gossip?
therefore you are not credible. – I don’t have to be credible because I am not defending myself or my creation.
and also not very clued up or wise. – That’s an ill informed opinion based on your lack of insight or understanding about Jesus, the Christian faith or why I have written this post.
intelligence is when you can take what you have learned and apply it correctly. you haven’t learned much and cant apply what u have learned correctly. – You have made this statement based on one post I have written about a topic that you cannot fully grasp yourself. Who is being unintelligent now?
you were not there on the ark holding noahs hand or when moses spoke to a burning bush. – No, I believe that by faith. Again, go check on the Biblical manuscripts and the sheer numbers available today.
so stop getting caught up in the gossip. – Sounds like you are the one who has been duped by gossip perpetrated by those who don’t have a clear understanding of Jesus or the Christian faith or why Christians continually share about Jesus with everyone.
my question to you is…Who will right the next version of the bible????? and where will he/she get their material????? – God used people, inspired them to pen His Word, the Bible, over a period of 1500 years. Multiple authors across many centuries, all talking about One God. The Bible is not a piece of fiction that one group of people came up with, all at the same time. Go read the Bible and read up on the Bible before you comment on it.
Also, Neslon Mandela freed his people…would you call him the son of good and worship him as you do christ? – Honestly, I can’t believe that you are comparing Mandela to Jesus Christ.
Shaheel’s second comment.
See…i might be mistaken, but being a hindu previously does not mean that you know about hinduism. i was born hindu. i then threw myself into christianity and then into islam and buddhism to trey and understand god, religion and man. we are convinced already that what you think is true and all you are mostly going by is what you know in the bible. if you so strongly believe in what you speak then keep it to yourself. you dont have to try and convince people or let them know of the good news. you are just a sheep. when you understand other religions, people, nature and how the world seems to work then you may say how u believe in christ but not say why something else is wrong and christ is the only one. the things i speak of are not taught in church. it is universal knowledge. all these thousands of years ago when the bible was written, it was not encouraged to think for yourself. you want to argue something that cannot be proven. your proof is the bible and even that cannot be proven correct. so shut the fuck up, go to church and keep your opinions to yourself. religion is a concept that causes wars. so think before your ink. everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to give it. you might be intelligent as i see you have a good command of english but i also see your narrow mind and lack of imagination so in essence, you are learnered but stupid.
My response.
Once again, I have gone through your comments and replied, where necessary.
See…i might be mistaken – You are acknowledging the possibility that you are wrong in your thinking, thereby negating everything else you have written.
, but being a hindu previously does not mean that you know about hinduism. i was born hindu. i then threw myself into christianity and then into islam and buddhism to trey and understand god, religion and man. – It’s good that you are seeking, but to think you have understood all there is to understand, is your folly.
we are convinced already that what you think is true and all you are mostly going by is what you know in the bible. – The Bible is the Word of God. It’s the truth, not a truth amongst many truths. So, why would I rely on anything else when the truth is in front of me?
if you so strongly believe in what you speak then keep it to yourself. you dont have to try and convince people or let them know of the good news. – This very statement alone is proof that you have no idea as to who Jesus is or why the Gospel is called the Good News. The Good News is for all people, so that they will be saved from God’s wrath. Jesus has given all Christians the Great Commission and epects us to share the Gospel. You may not want to hear the Good News but there are millions of individuals who are thirsty for it and are getting right with God because they have recieved Jesus into their hearts.
you are just a sheep. – Yes I am and Jesus is my Good Shepherd, who will lead me through this life and be my God for all eternity.
when you understand other religions, people, nature and how the world seems to work then you may say how u believe in christ but not say why something else is wrong and christ is the only one. – I didn’t say that Christ is the only One, He did. He said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He made Himself exclusive.
the things i speak of are not taught in church. – Clearly.
it is universal knowledge. – Knowledge is stretching it a lot. Opinion is more an accurate way to describe it.
all these thousands of years ago when the bible was written, it was not encouraged to think for yourself. – God made moral laws, not man. Without God, there is no morality to speak of. God gave instructions how to live life according to His ways.
you want to argue something that cannot be proven. – You want to listen to people who have already addressed this? If you are serious, look up Ravi Zacharias on YouTube. He is a very learned man, a Hindu by birth (like me), who has come to follow Jesus. Here are some of his videos that you can watch.
The Incoherence of Atheism – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6cTlDn4PiU
Jesus: A Unique Savior (1 of 2) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voOutkvnPi0
Jesus: A Unique Savior (2 of 2) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpwDeVb4qKk
You can find many more online.
your proof is the bible and even that cannot be proven correct. – There are plenty of resources by people more qualified than you and I, who have given talks about this. See Scientific Evidence for the Christian Faith – Hugh Ross, PhD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKGFezN0Cd4. Hugh Ross doesn’t invent lies, but uses existing research by Atheists to explain.so shut the fuck up, go to church and keep your opinions to yourself. – This very statement shows where your heart is and what sort of an attitude you have. I have not once used foul language in my response and don’t intend to, nor do I have a desire to. By insulting me and cursing me, you have shown your true colours.
religion is a concept that causes wars. – Religion has been used for evil, but that doesn’t negate the need for reconciliation with God and a relationship (not religion) with Jesus.
so think before your ink. – You should heed your own advice.
everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to give it. – Perhaps you should read what you have written. The fact that you have stated everyone is entitled to their opinion means that everyone, including me and you. The very nature of opinion is that it can be shared, whatever that opinion may be. Others are free to consider or deny the opinions of others. That being said, I am not sharing my opinion, but the truth as presented in the Bible.
you might be intelligent as i see you have a good command of english but i also see your narrow mind and lack of imagination so in essence, you are learnered but stupid. – I am not writing a fairy tale that you should comment on my imagination. You call me stupid because you cannot accept the truth of the Bible, let alone the fact that I am (and will continue to) unashamedly share it. I trust in Jesus and with all my faculties, believe that Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God, the Saviour of the World, who was born a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father and will one day return to judge everyone.
If you don’t want to listen to me because I am stupid, fair enough. That’s your opinion about me and you are entitled to it. But, if you are truly a seeker as you claim to be, watch the videos I mentioned above and listen to what they say. I am not ashamed to admit that they are more intelligent and even wiser than me.
I pray that God will open your eyes, your mind and your heart so that you will come to know who Jesus is.
God bless you.
Shaheel’s third comment.
Dumbass…for all anyone knows, you could be believing in a fairytale. fair enough, love your god, its your way. even i love your god. the story of christ teaches us all. the man freed his ppl from oppression. what you doing here in trying to praise your god and spread the “news” is good also. but you do not try and oppress people in criticizing their god/ religion. the thing is you may think you are a good person but in your actions you are not. and about my vulgar language, i choose to use it on you coz i can see from miles away what a cunt you are. you have nothing to stand on but your bible, which may be enough for you. but some ppl dont take the bible as the truth because there can be many other truths. and by you denying that shows how ignorant you are. for me, i take lessons from the bible. i even pray to christ every now and then. so i take other perspectives into consideration,i have faith and i am spiritual. you are an idiot. kill yourself. instead of just praying to your god and worrying about your own life, you are forcing people to believe in what you believe. so shut the fuck up, get a life and pray about it. bitch. yes i am cursing at you. i told you earlier, religion causes wars. christians and muslims are still fighting centuries later. so i would fuck you up if i ever crossed your path because you are an oppressor and an idiot. and the people who are non christian and feel the way i feel probably think you are too.
My thoughts
I wanted to highlight a few things.
He has used foul language.
He calls me names.
He asks me to kill myself.
He threatens me with bodily harm.
I don’t think I need to say much here because Shaheel has proven my point. He has dug so deep a hole that he himself cannot get out of.
Of course, he doesn’t scare me, nor has he dissuaded me from fighting the good fight.
I am not forcing anyone to become a Christian, nor do I have a desire to do so.
What I am imploring others to do is to seek out for themselves who Jesus is.
This isn’t about you “joining my religion”.
This isn’t about me being right and everyone else being wrong.
EVERYONE has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Jesus paid the price for our sins so that everyone who receives Him and believes He is who He says He is, will be saved and spared from God’s ultimate judgement: eternal death and separation from God!
This is the Good News, that Jesus has died for me and you, even Shaheel, that everyone who believes in Him, will be saved!
I will keep sharing the Gospel, the Good News, till the very end because I would like to see my family, my friends and everyone else, saved and in the Kingdom of God.
“If sinners be dammed, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for.”
Charles Spurgeon
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus, John 14:6
God bless you all.