2014 was filled with events that caused the whole world to mourn and sadly, we are still mourning.
I can only pray that God will comfort the family and friends of those who have experienced heartbreak and loss that is beyond words.
As for me, 2014 was not a bad year at all.
I got to visit my parents in India after nearly five years. What made it extra special is that they got to meet my wife and my little boy in person, for the first time.
I was also extremely delighted and relieved that I got my Australian permanent residency granted.
This may not seem like much to a lot of people but I was also able to get my Queensland drivers license sorted. My Dubai driver license had expired and without a proper license, I wouldn’t be allowed to drive, which would make holding a job that required me to drive, very difficult!
I am very grateful and thank God for all of the blessings above and so much more that happened in 2014.
Onward to 2015.
I have never been good with “new year resolutions” but do have a few goals I would like to achieve this year. There are some small goals and there are some big goals. It will take a lot of hard work, perseverance, patience and faith, but I know they’re not impossible to achieve.
There are many changes that are on the way and with God on my side, I know I will be able to handle it.
I am thankful for my wife Amanda and for my son Judah and for them, I will go through anything.
I look forward to all that 2015 has in store and am very excited and a little nervous as well 🙂
As for you, I pray that you will have an amazing 2015 and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
Here’s to 2015!