Updated: October 7, 2013
Just as the title of this post says, this is a list of Windows Phone developers (#wpdev) on Twitter, who’ve volunteered to help other developers, who may have Windows Phone development related questions.
Please be respectful (not rude or demanding) when you tweet any of them with questions or issues. Understand that they have their priorities and if you don’t immediately hear back from them, just give them some time and be patient.
Also, don’t expect them to write code for you or give you all the answers you want (they may choose to do so in some cases).
They’re not getting paid to help you and are doing this out of their desire to help others.
Finally, don’t forget to show them your appreciation!
To those who’ve volunteered yourselves: I hope that you will do your best to help those who reach out to you and treat them with the same courtesy & respect that you would like from them.
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Iris – @IrisClasson (Sweden)
The world’s happiest .NET developer & Microsoft C# MVP! More energy than a 5 year old, talks more than your grandmother, and does anything to make you smile!
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Chris - @MagooChris (Australia)
Developer for Built To Roam, Working on Windows phone and Windows 8 apps, both in and out of work!
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Konstantinos – @kgoutsos (Greece)
ECE Undergrad/Microsoft Student Partner, #wpdev and #win8dev, Loves Modern UI and XAML, Excited about #IoT and #wsn, Lives to code.
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Pete – @peted70 (United Kingdom)
Microsoft tech evangelist
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Alex – @stayallive (Nederland)
#Developer | #Laravel | #PHP | #WinPhanDev| C# | Alboweb.nl | #Hosting | Founder & Lead Development @Simulise
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George Spyrou - @gspyrou (Greece)
Physics graduate , Software Engineer , @plusappsdoteu founder ,@appcampus allumni #wpdev #win8dev #iOS #android
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Manickam – @maxonweb (Australia)
Passionately curious .Net Developer, App Maker, husband, cricket lover
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Simon – @SimonDarksideJ (United Kingdom)
Indie community developer for the new world order, Former Admin 4 the @XNAUK community RIP, Master Chief of @Zenith_Moon studios
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George – @ldkge (Greece)
Tech Enthusiast, @_Brainstorm co-Founder, Microsoft Student Partner and Electrical & Computer Engineering Student at Univ. of Patras
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Pedro – @pedrolamas (United Kingdom)
Senior Engineer @ Nokia, Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit author (http://cimbalino.org/) Opinions are my own! #wp7dev #wp8dev #wpdev
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David – @davidrodriguez (United States)
Hi, my name is David. I am a .Net, Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows 8 developer. I created @gogetter for Windows Phone http://www.gogetterapp.com
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Garry – @gh8421 (Australia)
Technology & gadget enthusiast. I develop Windows Phone & Windows 8 apps for Handiware.
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Kris – @Shantek_Kris (Australia)
Managing Director at @ShantekStudios – All tweets, views and opinions on this twitter account are my own and do not reflect Shantek Studios.
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Kyle – @WinPhanKyle (United States)
Future Microsoft Tech Evangelist. Windows Phone, Windows 8 and .NET Developer. Father to 3, Husband to 1. Email me kylereddoch(at)outlook(dot)com.
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Nigel – @nigelsampson (New Zealand)
Windows 8, Windows Phone developer at Marker Metro
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Kévin Gosse – @KooKiz (France)
Software developer passionate about .NET and Windows Phone | Nokia Developer Champion 2013
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Ghosty – @CheekyGhostApps (Australia)
Suggestions/Feedback/Support surrounding my apps, even Windows Phone development questions all welcome around here! I love doing R&D things. Ghosty loves you!
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Nick Hodge @NickHodgeMSFT (Australia)
Professional Geek for Microsoft DPE AU. Helping Developers get into All The Microsoft Things. Married to @mrsnickhodge https://github.com/nickhodge
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Glenn – @Depechie (Belgium)
‘SH10151’ this is the serial number of our orbital gun depblog.weblogs.us
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Nico – @NicoVermeir (Belgium)
passionate .net developer, board member of Belgian Modern UI apps user group, MEET member, tech crazy and if time permits: a gamer Merchtem · spikie.be
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Matthieu – @_MadMatt (Belgium)
18 // Student // Windows Phone & Windows 8 developer // Would love to work for a small startup company like @Microsoft one day…dreamdevelopment.be
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András – @vbandi (Hungary)
Dad, Microsoft MVP (Kinect), software company CEO, idea man, Windows Phone, Kinect, Windows 8, user experience. SurfCube 3D Browser. Budapest, Hungary, Europe · vbandi.dotneteers.net
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Wolfgang – @z1c0 (Austria)
software dev ::: .NET enthusiast ::: MS fanboy ::: geek dad ::: there IS a spoon … get over it people! wolfgang-ziegler.com
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Marco – @msicc (Italy)
Microsoft-Fanboy, WinPhan, WinPhanDev, Xbox-Gamer, Father of 2 fantastic kids, husband of a even more fantastic wife. Working at Telefónica. Opinions are mine. vizify.com/msicc/twitter-…
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Teemu – @TapanilaT (Finland)
Windows Azure Insider & Nokia Developer Champion. Passionate and always eager to try new stuff. Working at @AppCampus. tapanila.net
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Joshua – @SonofNun (United States)
I’m just a developer, developing apps. about.me/JoshuaGrzybows…
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Toni – @to_pe (Croatia)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional | Blogger | Speaker | Game developer wannabe. Loves C#, Windows Phone, OSS, UX, Nokia and Azure. tonicodes.net
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Joost – @LocalJoost (Netherlands)
.NET Architect/Developer, Windows Phone Dev MVP, Nokia Dev Champion. C#, XAML, Win8, ASP.NET, HTML5/Javascript, Oracle, OpenLayers. Tinkerer, inventor,gardner · dotnetbyexample.blogspot.com
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Tom – @tomverhoeff (Netherlands)
Windows (Phone/8) Specialist & Founder @Methylium | #WPDev MVP | Co-Founder @eveohnl | Speaker | Blogger | Gadgets | #Win8Dev |#TUDelft · blog.tomverhoeff.nl
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keyboardP – @keyboardP (UK)
Software developer and technology enthusiast | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNFsx-_EDek#t=260s … | http://www.keyboardp.me · telldj.com
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Santy – @saintwukong (Spain)
UX Developer. Nokia Developer Champion. Actualmente trabajando con Sharepoint 2010 y 2013, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Azure y MVC · geeks.ms/blogs/santypr
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Deyan – @deyan_ginev (Bulgaria)
Working on Windows Phone related stuff @ Telerik. TWEETS are my own though 🙂
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Justin – @CrshOverride (United States)
.NET Developer / Architect · http://stackoverflow.com/users/84651/justin-niessner
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OSO Systems – @OSOSystems
.NET development for Windows, Windows Phone and the web; boardgamer
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Patrick – @ZuneTracks (United States)
Husband of 1, Father of 3. Nokia Developer Champion. IT Professional. Founder of Subdude Records. n00b WP/Android dev. A twit long before Twitter.
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David – @dgaust (Australia)
Part time developer for Windows Phone
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Sri – @SrikanthNair (Australia)
That’s me 🙂
Here’s the link to the list on Twitter if you’d like to subscribe to it. https://twitter.com/SrikanthNairPro/windows-phone-developers/members
If you’d like to be added to this list (or removed from it) or would like to get in touch with me, please tweet me @SrikanthNair or email me – sri at srikanthnair dot com.
Thanks for reading.