For many years, I had maintained a separate “image” with regards to my personal and professional life and believed that it was for the best.
As an outspoken Christian, on my personal sites, I post status updates and write blog posts centred on my faith.
As an IT professional, I would use my professional sites to talk about technology, business and everything else that I deemed “professional” and acceptable to a professional/business crowd.
I am done living this double life of sorts. While I have always maintained that I don’t necessarily care what people think about me, I know a part of me was afraid all this time that if people knew me fully (especially the professional/business crowd finding out I am a Christian), it would somehow cost me.
As a follower of Jesus, I can’t believe that I allowed myself to carry on this long. Thankfully, I know that God doesn’t hold this against me.
After what seems like ages, I finally merged my personal website ( which morphed into and professional website ( to create this website – – which contains all my writings on my faith and life, as well as posts related to technology. As time goes, I intend to organise the content a bit better.
I am a mentor and an entrepreneur but Jesus is the foundation of my life.
I know God has blessed me with everything I need to help others, be it personally or in a professional capacity. I don’t maintain a portfolio of the people I’ve had the privilege to help but I know I have helped many over the years and I am grateful to God for giving me those opportunities and equipping me in every way to help these individuals.
Nearly two years ago, with my wife’s support, I took a giant leap of faith and started Mustard Seed IT. I didn’t put all my trust and faith in myself, rather, trusted God to guide me to use my knowledge, skills and experience to help me run my business successfully. Am I making millions? No. Am I still in business? You bet!
This is who I am.
Once again, let me reiterate, my confidence is not in myself but I firmly and truly believe that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”!
If you’ve been struggling in any way, be it in your personal or professional life and you don’t know who to talk to, why don’t you get in touch with me? You won’t know what will happen unless you try, right?
I intend to write about everything and anything. If you’d like to know what I get up to, please share your details with me so I can let you know when I post something.
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Thanks for stopping by and God bless you!