Is Jesus God?
Part 1 of a series of videos where I attempt to answer this question and show you how Jesus IS God by connecting New Testament Scriptures with verses from the Old Testament.
In this video, we look at Exodus 3:13-14 and John 8:56-59.
Exodus 3:13-14 is an excerpt from the interaction between God and Moses. This is where God introduces Himself to Moses with a powerful declaration: I AM WHO I AM! God introduces Himself as I AM.
John 8:56-59 is an excerpt from the interaction between Jesus and some Jews, which includes the Pharisees or religious leaders. During the course of their interaction, Jesus boldly and with authority, declare: before Abraham was born, I am! The Jews are outraged because Jesus just blasphemed by identifying Himself as the I AM who appeared before Moses!
I pray that these videos will help you grow stronger in your walk with Jesus.
If you have questions or comments, let me know.
God bless you all.