Been a while…

I haven’t had the chance to blog for sometime now, but hoping to change that soon. This is my first official post using my Samsung Omnia 7 phone running Windows Phone 7. For those considering a new phone, check out Windows Phone 7.5 or Mango as it’s called 🙂 You …

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Is the Bible relevant today?

If you are reading this, please know that I have already prayed for you. My prayer is that God Himself will open up your mind and your heart and help you understand the Bible and to believe in Him. I cannot, should not and do not want to convince you …

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Old Testament Laws, Jesus Christ and the New Testament

UPDATE (20/8/2011) – I went through this post and have changed it’s tone because though I know that I am meant to stand firm in the Bible and in my faith in God/Jesus and do this in and with an attitude of love in my heart, the reality was that …

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