2012 has been quite a year.
I got married to a beautiful, wonderful and God-fearing woman in Amanda Caroline Nair. For those interested in seeing the pictures and videos from our big day, please visit www.agapegenesis.com.
God has been gracious towards both of us because He has allowed Amanda to be with child. We pray that the Lord will deliver this most amazing gift to us in May 2013. We eagerly look forward to being the proud parents of a boy or a girl 🙂 We both know that our lives are about to change, but we know that as long as we trust in the Lord Jesus and depend/rely on Him for everything, we will be all right.
The Lord has blessed both Amanda and I with a wonderful Church in Gateway Baptist Church and a great family in the many lovely people who fellowship there. You know who you are. We thank you for your love and friendship and pray that in 2013, we will get to know you better and see our friendship grow.
Jesus has, as always, been gracious, kind and loving to me personally by not only working in me, but working through me to bless others. I thank God for the opportunity He provided me to serve the Youth at Gateway, to be a part of the Welcome team and along with Amanda, to have the privilege and honour of running a Life Group consisting of a wonderful collection of brothers and sisters. And I know that He has many things in store for me, especially with the Jesus Blokes Bible Study for Men that He has placed in my heart to bring to life at Gateway.
God has also allowed me to be very active online, be it on Facebook or YouTube. Through my posts on this site and my videos, God has graciously used me to challenge and encourage many people all around the world. Again, I can only say thank you to the Lord Jesus for this because none of this would be possible through my own strength or efforts alone.
My family is doing well in terms of their health & I thank the Lord for that. I know that my relationship with my family is something that we all need to work on, but I also know that God is at work, so I remain patient & hopeful.
Professionally, the year has been good.
At work, I now serve as a Solutions Architect, which has been both exciting & challenging. I do thank God for my job & for BCA as a company.
Outside of work, I’ve been involved with development on the Windows Phone platform and have successfully published two apps. I now have my sights set on creating Windows 8 apps. Recently, I also started a local group in Brisbane for those like me, interested in creating apps on the Microsoft platform. I am excited about what could potentially come out of that.
I am 33 years old now. The Lord has no doubt stretched me this year in every aspect of who I am and He continues to teach me and help me grow. Thank you Lord Jesus.
I pray that I have been an encouragement and a blessing to you this year. If I have offended you or hurt you in a way that is not pleasing to God, please forgive me.
I ask the Lord to keep using me in 2013 to bless encourage, bless and challenge everyone I come across.
I also pray that the Lord will bless Amanda and I as a couple and a family and that God will help us draw nearer to each other and to Him. I also pray that both of us will not stop trusting in Him and depending on Him in every area of our lives. I ask the Lord to help us both love one another, love the Lord and love everyone else the same way He loves us.
I also take this time to pray for my family, friends, loved ones, colleagues and everyone else I know, that if you don’t know Jesus, you would come to know Him as I do and if you do know Jesus, that you would draw closer to Him. To pray for your prosperity, good health and God’s blessings on you without praying for your salvation in Jesus Christ is just an empty and useless prayer.
People may change and disappoint us. Economies may collapse and cause us financial grief. Our health (or those of our dear ones) may deteriorate. We may even lose those who are near to our hearts.
But I encourage you to to seek out Jesus and start a relationship with God today because the Bible says this:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Everything else might change but Jesus will never change or forget us or disappoint us or stop loving us.
We all need Jesus because He is the God who created us and He is the God who died to save us. He is the God who promises to always be there for us.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
God bless you all.
May you all have a wonderful, blessed, joy filled, prosperous and Christ-centered 2013.