I had considered this in the past and I would think about it every so often, but always found excuses to not go ahead with it.
Finally, after a lot of encouragement from some of my fellow geek friends, I decided to add a “Donate” button to my site (scroll to the bottom).
How would you be helping/assisting/supporting me if you were to donate?
Well, first of, you would be lending me a helping hand with the costs associated with my application for Australian permanent residency. The non-refundable application alone costs roughly $4000. Check http://www.immi.gov.au/fees-charges/visa-pricing-table.htm for details (under Partner Migration, Applicant in Australia). I’d like to get professional help, but that would cost an additional $3000. Of course, there are other costs associated with the process, but this gives you a rough idea of the financial implications of taking this step. It’s not an option for me to not do this, being that my wife and son are Australian citizens.
I have a number of app ideas that I would like to bring to life, but due to resource limitations (time, money, manpower), I have not been able to pursue those ideas. Many of you are familiar with my Page Manager app for Windows Phone. I have many features I’d like to implement in the app, but recently, with the arrival of my son, I have not had any time to dedicate to ongoing development of the app, forcing me to seek outside help. Outside help costs money and without help, I fear that the updates to the app will become few and far inbetween. Your donations would be a huge help in this area.
By donating, you would also be helping flame the entrepreneurial fire in me. My dream is to start my own business one day (so I can eventually have more time for my family) and your donations would definitely help realise that dream.
I am blessed to have a full-time job and would be lying if I said I was struggling. Having said that, we have gone from being a two income family to a one income family. Raising a family isn’t easy and every bit of assistance and support helps.
This is not about amassing wealth or collecting money for frivolous expenses.
I did this because a few of you had approached me, offering, wanting, to help me. I am grateful for your generous hearts.
If you feel like walking alongside me and helping me with a donation, I thank you.
If not, it’s all right. We’re cool and I wouldn’t think any less of you or see you any differently.
Thanks for reading.