How to add the Twitter follow button using the WordPress widget feature

In this post, I showed you how quickly you can add a Twitter follow button to your website.

However, if you are wanting to do the same on your WordPress site, there is a few additional steps you need to follow.

Once you have the code from step 2, you will need to do the following in your WordPress site.

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance then Widgets
  3. Now, drag a Text (Arbitrary text or HTML) widget to one of the available sidebars.
  4. I chose the Main Sidebar for my site.
  5. Now, click the Text widge to open it up and copy the code from Twitter into this area, so it looks something like this.
    You will notice that I left the Title blank. You’ll also notice that I added the <center></center> tag to the code. This is to ensure that the button is centred in the widget.
  6. Click Save and Close and you’re done!

You should now have the Twitter follow button on your WordPress site, like I have on my site 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Thank Sri :)Thank Sri 🙂

1 thought on “How to add the Twitter follow button using the WordPress widget feature”

  1. Nice information grate Thanks for sharing. I have also a WordPress plugin please check it out and Give me your feedback..



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