My brother has finally made his way to Auckland (NZ) for further studies. Wasn’t the easiest thing to send him off, especially when I saw my mom begin to cry and my dad fight really hard (unsuccessfully) to hold back his tears. Never seen my dad cry like this. And my sister was crying too (she and my brother left on the same day,same flight, to Dubai). None of this helped, a few tears escaped me, but I knew I had to keep it together. Yeah, it was hard. My brother even asked me to pray for him, so that was nice. I have always left him to the Lord and it’s no different now. Same is true for my whole family.
On the bright side, we were able to come together as a family (all 5 of us – dad, mom, my sister, my brother and me!) and spend some time together for a few days.
Now, it’s just my dad, mom and me. My dad returns to Oman on the 19th. Then, it’s just my mom and I. Of course, my mom insists on being here with me in Bangalore till I get my visa (Its amazing how my parents are certain I’ll get the Australian visa. God bless them!). Speaking of which, all I know is that the visa application is being processed. I don’t know if or when they will make a decision on it. It’s all in the Lord’s hands.
I am doing OK I suppose, but I do feel weird/sad at times knowing my future is unclear and I am unemployed for the moment (by choice of course). Can’t “be still” if you are busy working, right? 🙂
I spent a little time with the Lord every morning. Nice to have the “Our Daily Bread” devotional. I also thank the Lord for allowing me to do the daily Bible reading since the start of this year! Only by God’s grace and mercy!
For the first few weeks, I was joyfully playing basketball and it was both fun and an enjoyable exercise, And then, I royally sprained my left ankle! 🙁 I rested it almost a week (was hard to not play!) and then, on the day I decided to play, once again, injured it! I guess I hadn’t rested it enough. So now, I haven’t played for 2 weeks and looks like I won’t be playing any time soon. My left ankle is all wrapped up and it’s hurting. Sadly, no one else seems to be playing either. This after I spent some money on fixing the backboard. Sigh.
Wrote my IELTS on 11/2 and at 4 hrs all together, it was tiring. I think I did all right on the listening and reading section, though I am a bit worried about the writing section. Had my speaking test the day before. I thought I did ok there too, though it clearly depends on how the lady who took the test grades me. It’s all in His hands anyway.
I am still going for my CCNA courses. The MCSA was a waste of money and time. Trying to get the money back for it actually.
So yeah, that’s about it. The waiting continues…
I am not working at the moment. Waiting on the Lord to clarify my future plans. No, I am not just sitting around doing nothing. I got a job in Brisbane. The company that hired me has to be approved by Aussie immigration. Only then will they process my visa application, which has already been filed online. A few things remain – need to get health insurance as part of visa requirements, submit IELTS score to prove English proficiency (test is on Feb 11th).
If Brisbane doesn’t work out, it’s either India or back to Dubai. Got to be patient and wait on the Lord. I am not worried!
In terms of my spiritual side, I am doing all right. I do miss EBCI and the fellowship in Dubai. By God’s grace, I have been able to spend daily time with the Lord using “Our Daily Bread”. I am following the Bible reading plan it as well. Not attending any Bible studies or anything yet. As far as Church goes, I like the Hope Chapel Church. Preaching has been good. Pastor seems nice enough. After a few weeks of silence, I finally met a few people this past Sunday (31/1/2010).
It’s been a challenge to deal with my brother. Yet, I have been praying that He would work in me and use me to be a good testimony and influence on him. Not been easy and Lord knows I am struggling. He leaves for NZ for further studies in about a week.
Been nice to have our mom around. Good home cooked meals 🙂 Dad comes in tomorrow (4/2/2010)
That’s about it for now. Will add more updates as and when things change!