When I created the list of Helpful Windows Phone Developers on Twitter, I realised that there’s no reason why I shouldn’t do the same for Windows 8.
I have shamelessly copied the following from my other post.
Just as the title of this post says, this is a list of Windows 8 developers (#win8dev) on Twitter, who’ve volunteered to help other developers, who may have Windows 8 development related questions.
Please be respectful (not rude or demanding) when you tweet any of them with questions or issues. Understand that they have their priorities and if you don’t immediately hear back from them, just give them some time and be patient.
Also, don’t expect them to write code for you or give you all the answers you want (they may choose to do so in some cases).
They’re not getting paid to help you and are doing this out of their desire to help others.
Finally, don’t forget to show them your appreciation!
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Garry – @gh8421 (Australia)
Technology & gadget enthusiast. I develop Windows Phone & Windows 8 apps for Handiware.
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Kris – @Shantek_Kris (Australia)
Managing Director at @ShantekStudios – All tweets, views and opinions on this twitter account are my own and do not reflect Shantek Studios.
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Nick Hodge @NickHodgeMSFT (Australia)
Professional Geek for Microsoft DPE AU. Helping Developers get into All The Microsoft Things. Married to @mrsnickhodge https://github.com/nickhodge
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Konstantinos – @kgoutsos (Greece)
ECE Undergrad/Microsoft Student Partner, #wpdev and #win8dev, Loves Modern UI and XAML, Excited about #IoT and #wsn, Lives to code.
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Ramprasath – @RamprasathRK (India)
Windows Store (Windows 8) and Windows Phone 7.5/8 Application Developer